Who you calling a wierdo?
One of the highlights of my trip was getting to skate with House of Neil again. The two of us started Skate and Annoy together, and it was his idea actually. We have a long history together. He had a surprise for me, and when I arrived he presented me with the skateboard he said I was riding the first time he met me.
Obviously it wasn’t the very same deck, but one he recently acquired for this purpose. I asked him where and he said “Where do you think?” to which I replied “Duh!” So here you have the Brand X skateboard model called the Weirdo. Brand X had a wicked silkscreen department, but their wood shop seemed to be eternally five years behind the curve. This board was essentially flat, which was par for the course at the time, but the edges were almost completely square. The guy who rode this must have used it primarily on a halfpipe, because it’s in pretty good shape, even though it had rails. The wear is mostly concentrated on the tail. One of the things that I love about this board is the trend of putting other skateboard company stickers on the deck. It’s almost as if the guy is saying, yeah, this Brand X board is OK, but I really wish I was on a Powell Peralta. Check out that graphic. It’s a five or six color print with a at least one blend in it, if not two. Nice. Click to enlarge.
thats so cool kilwag…i wish somebody (honey are you reading this?) would give me my first deck, a slasher…
good stuff here…my first skate bro Doug Chastien was on an X-Con the day I met mim….where is the “blend” in the blue part??
This wasn’t my first deck, just the first deck Neil saw me riding.
Yeah, the blend is in the blue. Also, there’s a shadow. I need to rexamine this deck, it almost looksl like a process print, but I didn’t think anyone did that back in those days, although the flatness would have helped.
Very nice!
argh. Link bombed again… underscore(s) disappear. My bad???
WordPress geeks the links unless you code them in html. I can’t figure out where they were so send it to me via email and I’ll fix it. Eventually I will enable BB code or provide a popup that explains how to leave a valid link in the comments.
I fixed it. Nevermind.
ah! Ok. So… Let me give this a try… how about… skateboard pirate.
Did it work?
Man this is the first deck I owned. I bought it for 20 dollars from one of the older skaters in Rockport texas. Paid 20.00 for it complete. Man I wish they would do a re issue!!!! I anyone had on they want to get rid of hit me up!!!
This was my first board, with indy’s and krypto wheels. Man, I bought that thing in 1985 with every dollar I could save.
I also love this board…bought it after my “BT’s” got hit by a car in 81
At the time it was cheap… I think I bought it because of the graphics….
It was also light-weight
I’d love to find another one in good condition…
I have one of these boards complete with trucks and wheels
want to sell it?
Theres a complete on ebay right now in so-so condition, starts at 50 bucks
That was also my first board! Got it around 1986. I was so embarrassed by it.
Where can I get this board?
Haha, no shame here kids, we were so poor but our School Mates in the next suburb over from us, there parents owned Office buildings in Sydney. We used carpet nails for grip and they thought we were just being Hardcore Punks! I always wanted the Horizontal Hold Model?
Only Eight years late with this reply, hope our leader is enjoying his retirement as this Blog was EXCELLENTE.