The return of the wheel well
I was checking out the Black Label web site (See, those promotional tours really work!) when I came across something I think I remember seeing in Transworld Business that I had meant to comment on. This is the Blackhole series of “anti-wheelbite construction” decks from Black Label, and if I’m not mistaken, those are a modern take on good old fashioned wheel wells. I don’t know about you, but I miss wheel wells. On every deck I ride I get little burn spots from wheel bite. I don’t really worry about slamming from wheel bite, I think it’s only happened to me once in the last five years. It’s more of an aesthetic thing really. I just like the way wheel wells look. This new version of wheel wells doesn’t quite do it for me though. A few longboard companies have been doing a more extreme version of this for years actually. The wells actually punch through the entire board resulting in a fully functional but goofy look. (Can’t find one the damned things online when I need it.) So actually, this post should have been titled “The return of the wheel well to contemporary skateboards.” I wonder how these are selling. I imagine the techy kids would be worried about the structural integrity.
and most street skaters have their trucks so tight and wheels so small that wheelbite shouldn’t be an issue for them.
I saw my friend riding one of these about a month ago and was stoked to see it. I always get at least a little wheel bite, and have slammed from the front wheels biting a few times.
I’ve been riding a Blackhole deck for the past month and really dig it. Structurally sound…fully functional.
“and most street skaters have their trucks so tight and wheels so small that wheelbite shouldn
the longboards with 4 holes for wheels were part of the snowboard inspired “twin tip” longboard fad from about 2001-2004. companies making them included envy and bareback. i dont think any longboard companies currently make any boards like those, though envy is still around selling their old stock online.
a google search for “envy twin tip” should get you a pic.
Our Fiberlam decks are #5 on the selling charts. Slippery stuff….so TY just announced a Fiberprime line with wood bottom for better slide ‘feel’…..we can agree that there will be no major innovations in deck construction, that part is true. Remember Powell’s Bonite decks?
BK – Snap a quick closeup of that Blackhole wheel well when you get a chance.
True about tight trucks these days, how about them one wheeled “manuals”. Skating without turning is skating without style.
I can’t see any kids going for these, they don’t even know what they are for a start; I have a Flip Lance Mountain Crest, which has some sweet wheel wells. The kids always ask me “what are those things for” pointing to the wells… as Neil said – the kids use trucks too tight and wheels too small to need wells. I think they look pretty cool on this popsicle though…
When I got into skating in the mid 80’s wheel wells were on the way out… the functionality is undeniable, I think my next ride will have wells.
on a different note: Hey, I see that old Executioner graphic makes a comeback in the Earthwing product line… What is it with that graphic? Why is it such an icon? mikeD, did ya run into any legal issues?
Some crazy generalizations about ‘the kids’ today… Get out there and skate some street with some of them and you’ll see, lots of ‘street skaters/ kids’ know the value of loose trucks.
i get wheelbite but never slam from it. the blackhole thing looks like it’ll work but as others have said, kids dont need, want or know. maybe they should only make those in 8 inch decks or bigger.
Thanks Mike D – Here’s an example of those skateboards with holes in them to prevent wheel bite. from Discount Longboards and Soulboards
Hey I used to screen print and skate for envy. Any chance I can get my hands on a board pleas???
Where you at? I have one with Gullwings
Anyone with a shorter or the 5ft model I just want an old envy twin tip deck or a complete one someone reply the search has been years
Looking at my board I realized that boards today have so much more concave even at the wheel burn spot, it probably amounts to the same thing as those old wheel wells. Everyone used to get wheel burn in their wheel wells back then. These are like wheel wells in your wheel wells.
You don’t really need them but it’s still a cool idea. Besides, it creates a couple more jobs for children in China.
Wheelbite makes you more of a man.
doesn’t bds and sma make boards with wells?
Honestly it just looks like another gimmick.
now these guys know how to make some wheel wells.