Bacon Goes to Sweden
One of my pet peeves in the industry is when magazines devote a huge spread to (Fill in favorite skateboard team) goes on tour to (Fill in exotic or mundane location). I mean how lame is that when a magazine can’t be bothered to come up with their own ideas so they end up having five pages of product placement advertising under the guise of editorial content, not to mention a full page advert from one of the same spots in the feature. That’s why, when I heard Colin Sharp was going to join his team in Sweden for a week in the middle of their tour, I practically begged him to bring a camera and shoot some pictures. You won’t find a Bacon advertisement anywhere on Skate and Annoy, unless you count the 10% of the time they show up at the top of every page… I thought I was going to be getting some awesome Malmo contest overage… but I got this tour diary instead. I kid, but only because I love. If you think this post graphic looks disgusting, you should see the version with the blue and yellow bacon. My Thanks to Colin for taking the time and making the effort. Geez, Mason, couldn’t you have gotten another crappy summer job after you got back from Sweden?
Read Colin Sharp’s Bacon Goes To Sweden.
Colin, you know the hardest thing about blogging? Great article by the way.
Blaming a backpack for giving you breasts? Blame the burritos and beer.
mmmm…swedish bacon…
colin, i want to see your andrew langi impersonation. frank says it’s very accurate.
Giant Madonnas
Hey Colin,
Nice blog. I could do that in Spain ya know…