More old dudes
Yeah, yeah, old guys still skate. We get it already. Here’s a quite lengthy article from the Columbia News Service about old guys that are still skating in different parts of the country. Somehow or other they missed out on interviewing Mark Conahan, who must have been booked on one of his many media appearances that day. They did interview full-faced helmeted Northwest icon Dan Hughes. The picture on the (top) right is from his web site. Who’s that funny looking old guy on the left? It’s Tommy Guerrero from a short interview in the San Francisco Chronicle, published earlier this year. UPDATE: Here’s another link to a story called “Chairmen of the Boards” (Guffaw! Never heard that one before!) from an Australian publication called The Age. It’s three more pages about old (Australian) guys skating, specifically a crew of guys at Frankston skatepark who routinely bring their own lights to make time to skate in their busy schedules. They have a base of about 60 people who regularly fill out these sessions with 20-30 skaters. Sounds kind of annoying, actually. I hope that’s a big park. That’s a lot of people and the guys in the picture (bottom right) look oversized to begin with.
Concretins Nik is also in there. Old Man Army gets mentioned too.
That dude(Neil) came to the forums looking for people… interviewed several OMA members.
I wonder how many of those dudes never quit skating?
Yapple, Zapples! T.G!!! Only in the pic he is doing a McGill pose. WTH?
If you watch the two disc special addition of Animal Chin, Tommy does some pretty nice Vert work! I dig the old days of street. Ride point A to point B as fast and with as much style as you can! Any trick that did not facilitate that… was out!
Thanks for the reminder….I keep forgetting…