Downhill in short shorts and flip flops
This was going to be another Friday T&A on S&A, but I didn’t want to risk being labeled a misogynist, so we’ll just call this “You know this is going to end well…” This girl is so hot, you might even say she’s slammin!
That’s not fun! How about a warning next time?
insert lame tom bergeron comment here:
“here’s an appealing young lady! in fact they’re “a-peeling her off the street right now!”
You know it’s bad when they don’t include the aftermath.
I yelled “BEND YOUR KNEES” at the screen the whole time… it didn’t help! The worst part about this kind of lesson learned is that, when you return to the board, all pad-clad (and wearing shoes) the road rash sticks to the inside of your pads. eeeeeeew!
YIKES! “Don’t fall.” Great advice, but apparently she didn’t hear it…
Ouch. Hurts to watch…
that hill looks way to steep for a (skate ) virgin … bad idea really. And in flip flops?
stupid gets what stupid deserves.
enjoy your milkshakes and icepacks, sweetie.
pay your dues bitch
Give it a couple weeks with some marinade and you’ll have some pretty good beef jerky.
Ouch! In flip flops? are you kidding me? Good thing she didn’t have implants…they would’ve exploded on impact.
oh shit bitch