Post number 2000

Post number 2000!

Lest you forget, Skate and Annoy has been online since 1996, when the content was sparse and very, very stagnant. Around 2000 I started putting up a lot more static html in fits every now and then. Actually, “fits” is an appropriate word. You never knew what would set off an update, but certain events […]

Men Men Men Men, Manly Men, Manly Men

Like shooting fish in a barrel: MF: What’s your perspective on fitness for skateboarding? I skate a lot with my shirt off, so working out has always been important to me. I almost have as much fun working out as I do skating. And seeing your body change, and seeing yourself get bigger and more […]

Grover gets GVK fan mail

Cause he gets Fan Mail (CONTEST OVER)

Cause he gets fan mail, and he really, really reads it. Fan mail, and he really really needs it. I sent you my letter now I want a reply. You don’t know any better so you won’t take your time with my fan mail Name that slightly altered tune for a valued Noprize. (Everyone I […]

Negative Ion in OZ

Here at Skate and Annoy we hate to reinforce stereotypes, like say, I don’t know, picking one at random, Australia is not a backwards country where the skateparks are made out of stone (literally) and you have to watch out for marauding fruit bats, kangaroos and other, uh, nightlife. Oh wait… But seriously folks, tip […]

Ben Krahn - Hood river

SOTW 5-19-08: Ben Krahn in Hood River

This week’s Shot of the Week comes from Carl Warren and features Ben Krahn ollieing the gap to transition. You should check out the full frame version to get the whole picture.

Sammamish, Wa. skatepark

Sammamish Mammy part II

I checked out the Sammamish Washington skatepark this weekend. It was my second time skatign there, but hte first time I got hailed out after about 15 minutes. This weekend it was hot as hell, which may account for why the park was sparsely populated on both days. I had some reservations about the park […]