Cal Skate May Day Skate Jam

May Day Skate Jam

Yesterday in Portland, Cal Skates sponsored a skate jam as part of the 6th Avenue Street Fair that seemed to be taking place in front of Cal’s and that’s about it. I’m always complaining about a lack of artsy fartsy ramps in the states, but we had some here for sure. The big quarter pipe was covered in tiles on the top third, tiles that continued to break and fly off through the course of the session. It looked like it was giving everyone a bit of trouble, but at the same time they seemed to enjoy the added challenge. Another cool feature were two launch ramps that had been done up rather nicely to make it look like they were split from a cross section of a giant Northwestern tree. Kudos to whoever it was who realized that concept. Well done.

Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

I had my wife and two kids in tow, and it’s finally dawned on me that I can’t make that work from a photography point of view. I’ve been in denial, yes. I have a hard enough time concentrating on the pictures without the added distraction of worrying about the whereabouts and entertainment levels of a 2 and half year old, much less a 7 month-er and a wife! In any case, in the 45 minutes or so that I was there I did manage to snap a few passable shots. Not to worry, Rich was there for the duration. Update: EPM has the goods.

As always, help with the names is appreciated.

Paul Bunyon launch ramp.
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Chris Nukala. This isn’t a front side grind, unless it’s switch.
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Xavier’s sweeper went to disaster.
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Tyler AKA Junior!!!
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

I think this kid’s name is Andy. It is. Andy Adams.
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Check out the awesome 80’s style launch over the top of the quarter pipe. This is one he actually landed too. Check out Rich in the corner!
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Hey! Is this kid supposed to be here? He’s OK, he’s got a wristband. I hear he got in because his dad is an industry big whig who must have pulled some strings.
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

This is one of those atmosphere shots.
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Cal Skates street fair Skate JamCal Skates street fair Skate Jam

Cal Skates street fair Skate JamCal Skates street fair Skate Jam

The picture below is jacked, but I still like looking at it. The saturation happened naturally and I think the only thing in focus is one wheel and a part of the board. Technically, it’s bunk, but It’s got a little somethin-somethin going for it. Although it may look like a horrible hangup, this is one of X’s sweeper to disaster attempts. I don’t think he rode out of this one.
Cal Skates street fair Skate Jam


11 thoughts on “May Day Skate Jam

  1. That’s a sweet ramp. It obviously wasn’t actually cut out of a tree right?

  2. colin on May 2, 2008 - Reply

    no.. it’s like a veneer but well done

  3. shawn on May 2, 2008 - Reply

    so bummed I missed this.

  4. Hateboard on May 3, 2008 - Reply

    me too.

  5. three that!

  6. booo hoooo 🙁
    All it takes is a little sobriety and planning
    WHAT a concept?

  7. […] On the way there we saw some skateboarding action in the street. Apparently Cal Skates was hosting May Day Skate Jam. I guess it was part of the 6th Avenue Street Fair. I found a site that has some pretty good photos […]

  8. shawn on May 3, 2008 - Reply

    That is funny considering I don’t drink and didn’t see it advertise any where, but thanks for the advice.

  9. I was their hahahaha cant wait till rich gets more pics up I scoped some on his camera before I left and they were sick

  10. I didn’t really find out about it until the day before, and the details were vague. Wasn’t even on the Cal Skate web site.

  11. orezona on May 5, 2008 - Reply

    I’ve seen shawn drunk…

    (withholding details because I still want to be his friend)

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