Vert is still dead/not dead
Colin Bane over at Fuel TV has an argument against putting professional vert skating on life support. In his post titled Vert. Alive and thriving? Colin compiles some upcoming professional events and media exposure highlighting vert skating. I wouldn’t mention this, except I don’t want want to let anyone down, seeing as how we can’t shake the image that Skate and Annoy is for old men who like vert. Also, Colin has a shout out to Conahan and his H.O.M.O.S. comics. Hey, does MC know those guys over at Antigravity Press are ripping off his content and passing it off as their own? Image on top is from DC’s backside smith how-to video with Colin McKay.
“we can
Seriously, what did Punk Rock ever do to you? Did Punk Rock beat you up as a kid, or steal your girlfriend in college? Were you the only kid in class not invited to Punk Rock’s sleep over?
kilwag, i thin ec’s lifestyle is hitting men with his purse on the corner of 53rd and 3rd.
Colin Bane got annoyed. Rad.
“i thin ec
Punk Rock is behind all the wars.
If we had a vert ramp like that one vert might not be dead. Oh wait, maybe so, people would still be AFRAID of it.
you do have a vert ramp. its in pier park. oh, but its cement, not wood, so maybe you’re AFRAID of it.
We have one at Battleground, too, and also at Newberg. I’m not sure why some people seem so drawn to wood/masonite, though. There’s so much more variety and options to be had with cement vert, including back and forth if you choose to. Why do people still seem to want wood vert ramps with so many great cement vert options and pools around?
because concrete hurts and wood bounces… skating on a wood ramp gives you a sense of invincibility. That’s why old guys love em.
bowls are to easy to get stuck going ‘forward’ carving. a stand alone vert ramp always allowed me to focus on tricks more. you drop in and each face wall is identical and you get bored pretty fast just going back and forth or kick turning all day, so you begin to learn tricks. I get stuck cruising too much when i ride bowls, dont misunderstand me i love em, instead of learning to do tricks at the lip or airs above it. When I rode the old Avery vert ramp, I learned a new trick or variation almost every day. I even had tricks that I still have yet to even attempt in a bowl. And still, most bowls have a vert area or extension that is easy to have your line take you away from it or you have to do a set up line to hit the vert with speed,i.e. it takes more energy and effort to ride ‘vert’ in a bowl than to drop in and go back and forth, face wall to face wall. Pier park can be an exception. I generally ride that thing like a vert ramp, trying to stay out of the pockets is still hard to do. I ignore the full pipe and shallow end, fast carve lines but otherwise a big drain of energy. the energy of a park session is so much different than a ramp session also. the park is open to the general public and usually has you skating over a vast area not even riding with your friends. vert ramp sessions tend to be smaller, more confined, as everyone huddles around the deck awaiting their turn ride. you see all that goes down, getting stoked on every trick, knowing everybody just saw you finally land the trick you’ve worked on for weeks. I am still pissed that they took away Avery and gave us a lump of petrified mammoth poop in its place. I got 100$ a month toward a wharehouse rental for a real ramp, 9.5′ trannies or bigger with a minimum of 1′ vert…..
i got pool coping on it…….. and some bills, but im a poor piece of shit
enemy cumdrinker, golf is fun!
So sorry bailgun, my comment was in jest but I should have known some may take it personally.
nweyesk8, replace “vert” with “mini” and it’s almost ALMOST the same kind of session. Remember the mini behind the Avery ramp? I’d drive with my friends from Newport just to skate that.
I totally agree. as you will see. this is my backyard, where I dont ride the corvallis park at
Photo Link
Photo Link
Nice. Roll in from the roof?
On another note, the only indoor park in the PHX area had a pretty good sized vert ramp in it (that I only skated once or twice). It disappeared along with every other structure in there when Vans pulled the plug and nobody could afford to pay the bills.
t-roy, my EVERY comment is made in jest.
you fuckin’ scardeycat.
Geez, don’t piss off the mellowest guy I know!
geez. its just the interweb. its just jokes, and its just skateboarding.
The H.O.M.O.S. comic appears on Skate and Annoy courtesy of Antigravity Press.
Nice exposition nyeyesk8! concrete would be fine if we had forty feet or more of opposing big walls The problem with Pier and Battleground is that they’re too confined. I needed a good frontside pipe flyout line too. Thank Dreamland we have Hailey.