Ran across this 1989 article (oops, not 1979) by Daniel Gesmer, who we have featured before, on the Seismic Skate website while researching for another post.
Gesmer has a site called Geo Skate that sells Seismic and Bottega Montana skateboards.
That guy “pumping” is cracking me up.
He’s one of the infected!
mesmerizing pumping guy…cant stop watching it.
For more weirdness check out 1975 slalom champ chris yandall and his “skogging” technique.
it was actually written in 89, not 79 Randy.
gliding and turning with spandex leotard in a rainbow-walled roller rink….supertwink…
Conahan is not Randy
randy conahan here with you on WSK8…its 54 degrees and cloudy with a chance of rain going up to 30 percent by sunday, partly cloudy thereafter and highs in the low to mid 60s…here’s naked eyes for ya, always something there to remind me on W…S…K…8.
Ouch. I had that album on cassette.
I think Daniel Gesmer is the fruit from the old Powell video “Ban This.” He was on a roller rink figure skating on a skateboard. Can anybody confirm this?
Yes he is. We have featured him several times here on SnA. Always found him fascinating, and he hailed from the Midwest…
He was uncool way ahead of his time.
actually tomato and kilwag it was “public domain”, not “ban this”. see above rainbow wall comment by me.
Gesmer in all his glory, for those of you too lazy to type “gesmer” in google video.
Thanks LP. It was Public Domain. It brings back fond memories of my childhood sitting on a curb making fun of him. The rainbow background is so appropriate for his gliding and turning. I got to admit he does have some skills though. He should try the handstand and that weird cross your feet standing backward stuff on some tranny or a stair set. I bet he can shoot the duck too.