80’s Zine Archives: N.F.P. Zine #1
N.F.P. Zine #1 was published (1985?) out of Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan by Andy Rogers, Greg Fadell and John Shock, with photos by Davo or Dave-O. Issue number one is short and simple, and never actually explains what the “N.F.P.” stands for!
Pictured skaters: Mark Gonzales, Ralph Rogers, Chris “O.P.” Moore, Greg Fadell, Bill Danforth, Bill Tocco, Steve Caballero, Todd Bray, Bob “Boarder Patrol” Romero, Neil Blender, Bill Fergusson, Eric Grisham and Squid Dickman.
Spots: Surf Ohio mini ramp, Dude ramp, Endless Summer, Middletown, Sarnia Canada, St Louis arch competition, Richard school.
Highlights: Interview with Chris “O.P.” Moore. He talks about old skateparks like Surf & Turf in Milwaukee and Apple in Ohio, as well as the MESS and GLSA skate contest series and pros and ams of the day – Ray Underhill. “A look back at 1984”, Eric Grisham’s skatepark ID from Endless Summer skatepark. Mentions Jim Gray’s new board, mentions G&S trucks, but doubts their pros will ride them. Rumors: Will Jyme George (Surf Ohio & Cow Saktes) build a skatepark in Ohio? (In hindsight, the answer is no, but his protégé Rob Dyrdek certainly did..) The Zorlac team all riding for Alva.
Check out N.F.P. Zine #1
UPDATE: 80’s zine archive has moved. The new location features larger images and the ability to comment right on those pages, so comments on this post are closed. Link has been changed.
Squidman rules…flail to the chief!!!
I remember riding with those guys. OP always seemed the most approchable ralph was easy to talk to also. Tocco and the nazi seemed like they would get made if you talked to them, Danforth was easy to get along with to. There were tons of great skaters in michigan at the time Dave Campbell Ferguson mank alot Metty the flint guys Goose Tuck just tons of good guys in the middle of the country,look what skateparks can do.
Holy #&*%, I just stumbled across this website and saw my zine. First, thanks so much for putting it on the net. What a blast from the past. Thank you skateandannoy ! I think we did about 5-6 issues and each one was better than the previous. Davo, Danforth and myself had ton’s of photo’s. It was a blast doing it. Looking back on it now I see that I was very self serving by putting myself in the mag but what the hell…I was the editor..lol. Danforth really motivated me to do one as his zine was classic! Well what can I say, just found out about Ray Underhill passing away, big bummer. I only talked to him a few times ( MESS series and at DelMar) and he was so friendly, smart, and polite. Big loss for the world. On a brighter note I myself have not skated in a few years, however I am happy to report that just about everyone else is still skating here or there. Davo, Ferg, Tocco, Danforth, etc are keeping the flame alive. Gotta run as I am at work right now (I work for the other side now) but will come back here soon. Take care everyone. Andy “Ralph” Rogers
You can see Andy, Greg and John in one of my high school videos, “Born to Skate”
Here is the link to youtube:
Sorry, Wrong link.
Thanks for posting that link..lol…geezzz..please burn it now!…nah great memories…thank you!
Holy cow, where was this skatepark at? Is it still in existence?
Holy Crap!