In case the other company “folds”
Once again, if you can buy it, you can DIY it. Intstuctables.com user Jerbearisapimp9 (apparently there were eight other “jerbearisapimps”) has seven pages of instructions on how to make your own foldable skateboard. His method involves scavenging something called a BOA lace system from some snowboard boots (or golf shoes). The BOA system replaces shoelaces with a loop of stainless steel wire and a locking pulley in a plastic housing. Basically, you spin a dial to tighten your shoes. It’s incremented so you can theoretically achieve the same settings all the time if you don’t take into account the shoe stretching out. Jerbearisapimp9‘s foldable skateboard uses the BOA system leveraged against the trucks to to keep the board tips on tight. It’s a creative but not very elegant solution that seems like it would be very time consuming since there is threading involved every time you want to disassemble or reassemble the board. But hey, he did it himself, and so can you if you want to. Surprisingly, the ready made alternative Port-a-board is actually still in business though.
Jerbearisapimp9 makes excuses for his ghetto briefcase, but it adds a certain amount of sophistication to his setup. Everyone should show up at a session with a briefcase if they mean business. Check out the Foldable skateboard, BOA.
While this is a little wacky, the boa system on snowboard boots is awesome. I recommend it to anyone who snowboards.
I’m left handed and my shoelaces become untied all the time due to my retardness. I wish they made boa shoes.. hell i guess it’s time for velco. Anyway, boa rules.
They make (license the technology for) golf shoes, and apparently some sort of application for fishing as well.
with my un-assembled set up in my suitcase, i could rip it up @ spots, then walk away in dress attire to a meeting!