SOTW 12-03-07: Curb paint
I love those shots (of myself… ha ha) where someone is grinding pool coping or a ledge and you see little chunks of concrete flying off. Rich Burton from Earth Patrol Media caught this shot of some kook sending the paint chips flying, riding an oversized board on an oversized curb. I can stare at the detail for hours. Check it out.
…with oversized feet
no bikes…
You know I have shot a lot of slappies and have never captured this good of a shot. It’s not that I could do backside curb slaps all day long, It’s that I DO backside curb slaps all day long. Is there a 12 step program? I’ve seemingly ground my trucks to the axels and I need help.
No bikes what?
Great shot
kilwag, so how was the olson? It looks huge.
I would recognize that tattoo anywhere.
…he was bogarting my deck, because everyone who rides it seems to like it…I set it up with 215’s and Rat Boners and its fun to say the least. It is 11-something wide for surf combat.
It’s a fun ride for sure.