Riders on a mission
The theme song for Nickelodeon’s Rocket Power goes…
We are riders on a mission, action kids in play position.
Rocket Power! Rocket Power!
We are riders on a mission, action kids in fun condition. Prepare to count down… Rocket Power!
Mark Conahan is heading up a team of riders on a mission to skate thirteen skateparks in one day. He’s documenting it as he goes along on Antigravity Remote. Five years ago this would have been a more daunting task. He’ll be heading to Burnside, Woodland, Battleground, Vancouver, Pier Park, Glenhaven, West Linn, Holly Farm, Tigard, Donald, Newberg, McMinnville and Aumsville. Crap. I forgot to include a picture of McMinnville.
What, no Tualatin?
i tried to be there, but I couldnt get up at 5am to make the drive to burnside to be there at 7:30…..
I just phoned in Tualitin as a “reader request.” Conahan hates that park but says it’s a good idea. Trouble is that it’s a bit out of the way on the route they are taking. Tigard to Newberg. He’s going to put it to a comitee vote. Shawn Fendick is involved, so there is also beer drinking at each park… aor at least in the nearsest legal spot adjacent to the park, I’m sure… They are picking up followers along the way!
I’ll be sure to sing that Rocket Power song when I’m processing all your alcohol in public parks and open container citations! BE GOOD!
“when I
That’s the best you’ve got?
destroy…keep skateboarding a crime! at least keep the Army out of thrasher and thrasher out of wal-mart…signed, Bill Tocco-saladgrind
Called it after nine parks.
Battle Ground,
Pier Park,
West Linn,
Holly Farm,
Ran out of steam and daylight.
No drinking at any of the parks and we decanted beers into our travel mugs and disposed of the empties so there were no open containers. Those mugs have lids and you know it tastes better if you let it breathe.
Yeah, seems like an endeavor best left to longer, warmer days., though I aplaud you for trying.
It’s a go in the summertime. Less ice, more light. In theory Ed Benedict and Gabriel will be done and added to the list.
I was fascinated by this trip…kinda like that national lampoon euro vacation movie with Chevy Chase, where they go to see the sights but only for a second at each stop…
How much time did you allot for each park?
that was fun, i made it through 5 parks and bruised my foot pretty bad so I had to stop. gotta do it again in summer.
Gnar! Good Job MC!
That was fun. It seemed like we averaged about 30 minutes skating at each spot and 30 minutes in transit between spots. Looking forward to trying it again during the summer months.
In the summer it’ll be one of those Thrasher cannonball run type things. Earth Media team, SnA team, Fendick beer run team, plaza kid team, Chad Balcom skatepark politics team… I expect to see Grover in full costume. Grand prize for best slam.
I’d love to participate as well.
I think a support team to do beer runs is a grand idea!
oh god, that sounds fun. next time i so want in on this!
p.s. props for making 9 of them in the dead cold of winter with all 5 hours of daylight you had to work with.
I’ve been trying to get something like this going for a few years without any takers. I don’t know how MC got it started on such a cold, short day. Grover wasn’t interested in all the driving. Maybe he’d change his mind now that there are more parks nearby. The original idea was to start in Klamath Falls or medford and end in Astoria.
Bobcat has a team event in the fetal stages. (link), something he want’s to call the Oregoonies.
ABD – Quantity Day at 70-71.com (out of Ohio)
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of interest in this, especially in the spring or summer. Sounds like a great day to me. If there are a lot of people, maybe everyone starts at the same park, then different groups take different routes to avoid crowding so everyone gets enough runs (some overlaps would be good, though), but all end up at the same park for the party (feels like Pier)? Groups document each park visit with photos and video. Would make a great gallery every year. If there aren’t that many people signed on, everyone does the same route…
for the thanksgiving 4 day weekend we went to cali to
menlo park
palo alto
santa cruz
scotts valley
ben lomand
and weed
I kinda think of Shawn as THE beer run. He’s always prepared. Even for those early-AM-only-fathers-and-really-old-guys sessions. Speaking of beer and really old guys, definitely put Dughey on Shawn’s team, for sure! More beer for Shawn that way. Or, if Bobcat is in, you could do a Christians and Lions team. All from Washington, conveniently. Swervo would have to get in.
My wife asked me, ” Couldn’t you guys pick a better day for this” (32 degrees, highest gas prices, and 1 of the shortest days) My reply was no, as we been talking smack about this for about three years (Especially Kilwag) and only now are finally ready to pull the trigger. MC got the ball rolling after Dr. Brad was suggesting Golf? Too bad Kilwag was “working”
i hope you all will be able to participate in the OreGoonies scavenger park run in the spring. We’ll have teams with a 5 hour limit to gather as many items and fulfill photo ops at certain locations. If anyone is interested let me know in the forum as i’ll be going full-steam with the plans next month.
I used to do a personal version of this when I was in college down in Ashland. I’d do Ashland, Talent, Medford, Jacksonville, Grants Pass, Roseburg, Albany, Aumsville. It worked out perfect since Albany and Aumsville have lights… I called it the I5 skate tour… ah, the good days.