Cool Girls aren’t cool or girls.
The Los Angeles Times has an article on the company Cool Girls Skateboards titled No coasting for this skateboard firm. I’ve seen Cool Girls advertised in some magazines and it’s come up on other web sites. I was willing to cut them some slack on their somewhat cheesy and unoriginal graphics that look like they were designed by somebody trying to figure out how to sell stuff to little girls at Target. Why was I cutting them slack? because I assumed they were owned by women who were trying cut out a niche for themselves in a male dominated industry. The web site sure makes it seem that way. Turns out I was pretty much dead wrong. The owner, Frank Davern got into the business by accident from a side venture where he had women reporting on music and trends. I find it kind of creepy, pretending to be a bunch of women in order to sell skateboards to girls, but it’s just business right? It’s not so much unlike when other skateboard companies launch a brand that pretends to be a separate entity. Davern is selling a lot of boards online, but can’t figure out why his boards aren’t flying off the shelves in skate shops nationwide. My guess is that most skate shops don’t see a brisk trade in 8 year old girls. Still, a reported $60,000 in mostly online sales last year means some one is buying them, and more importantly, that I’m doing something wrong here. Also going unsaid, it looks like there is a business opportunity out there for women who might have a better grasp on what girls actually think is cool. Check out the article.
that is creepy, and just fucking wrong. Like you I thought the Cool Girls thing was put together by some female pro skaters or something. That fact that it’s some old perv is sickening. I was going to buy a deck for my daughter, but now I don’t think so.
I knew Frank personally. He was the most dedicated, well meaning, supporting and sweet natured person you could ever hope to meet. He was not an “old perv”, nor was what he did for female bands and artists “fucking wrong”. You obviously never knew him, so your poisonous little views mean nothing. You just need to pull your damned head in.
Old perv or smart marketing? I think this is just effective marketing and most products that we consume don’t have an actual “advocate” behind them. Rock-n-roll was/is sold by non-rock-n-roll people for example. Cold War is the exception to this rule, and I believe the exception is more rare than me think. Vans’ marketing suggests that it relies on the misconception that I think they are made in Van Nuys by Jeff Spicole himself. Caveat emptor. Maybe I’m wrong?
I’m delirious with the flu, forget everything I’ve said…I’m signing off..
Vans were cool in the eighties when they were made and said they were made in THE USA. NOW> VAns mr. vandoran and whoever can go suck a dick. How bout quicksilver that owns Hawk, DC and whoever else. They don’t skate and don’t care to either. They just care about money.
Hey Dick Cancer – watch it. I won’t tolerate overt racism here. Your comment has been edited.
Ok you’ve got me pinned and I have to secretly admit I’ve always wanted to shred on a pink My Little Pony board.