A dork session by any other name…
This “Shit Skate Gang” video is funny and has high production values, unlike some people. Actually, it reminds me of the Claus Grabke spoof.
The theory is skateboarding has reached its peak. To stand out at your local skatepark you need to carve in a whole new direction. Join Gaylord Gaylord, Mudstain Thompson, and Lancelot Jenkins in the next biggest revolution in skateboarding since the Dogtown boys.
Check it out. Thanks to Joesf for the tip.
Shit Skate Gang
good one, after all the skate-umentaries lately with serious tones about how hardcore/important a certain skater or skating is/was this is refreshing
Taking skating to the next level.
High Production values- yes, High Comedy values – No.
Not a patch on the Grabke feature, now that SH*T was funny