The Doctor tames the beast of Tigard
Earlier in the week when we were having technical difficulties, Grover put together a clip he felt was not worthy of full GVK status, although I’m not sure why. We couldn’t post it because our web host sucks so EPM scooped us on our own content. Hopefully it will dry up by the time this post goes live and I won’t be relegated to making goofy videos instead of actually skating he new Tigard Oregon skatepark.
The Doctor tames the beast of Tigard
interesting dinosaur sleeping technique by the doctor and assitant??? does it work on humans of the female type???
Grover should have his own kids show on PBS. Beats the BIG BIG WORLD!
I agree, Grovers corner should go syndicated.
If Bill Nye can go form Almost Live up here in seattle to having his own show Grover is next in line. He could have a similar theme song. Bill, Bill, Bill could change to skate, skate, skate or something…. Fun!