Reptile abuse
Dreamland is putting finishing touches on the new Tigard skatepark. The crew has been uh, testing out the various features. I spotted some paint scrapings on the back of the T.rex head this morning. If you’re getting tired of dinosaur pictures don’t click.
More phone snaps:
Tracks on his back too.
View from the top of the big bank across 40 feet of flat.
It’s like travelling back in time and forward simultaneously.
oh my god–i really can’t believe how terrible that looks. every photo looks straight whack. am i seeing things? does the camera lie? are there 4 ft. tall vert hips with brick sticking out? could those bulkhead/ledges be any steeper? so there is a dinosaur from a putt-putt course in the skatepark. and what is up with the “40 feet of flat”? i swear i saw other pictures with a puny 4 ft. wide deck around the park with ledges and a hand rail crowded on it. i wonder if some of the transitions are all geeked and tilted forward, just like the bowl they built up here in bellingham.
im starting to think you are not a real person.
Your are seeing things Neil. The camera must lie. It all looks amazing in real life.
Yes Neil, check it out in person. We are sooooooooo F-ing lucky to have all these Dreamland parks. Skating is lucky to have Dreamland.
All I could think of when I went to see the Tigard park was “how do they keep taking it to the next level?” This IS next level stuff. Plus I think a lot of people will reconsider the Dino when they see airs over it and foot plants off it. Not everyone will be able to get Jurassic!
i wonder if some of the transitions are all geeked and tilted forward, just like the bowl they built up here in bellingham.
What the hell are you talking about neil? The new Dreamland additions at Bellingham are, in a word, perfect. I don’t think you are from this planet either.
Have you actually been there? This park in Bellingham? WTF??
the bellingham addition is far from perfect. in the bowl, you can visually see that some of the transitions aren’t true, and it is obvious when you skate them. and the flat bank at the end of the ditch near the street is kinked. and the euro-gap is awful. yeah, i skate there regularly, there aren’t many options in this town.
Well I’d gladly trade your slightly flawed bowl and ditch for the several invisible not built skateparks here in Seattle. If I had time to drive the hour and a half to BH several times a week I would. I guess my years of skating actual ditches, banks, curbs, ramps, loading docks and any number of fun, janky spots has skewed my perspective on what a smooth buttery park like the one in BH should be. The two times I have skated the BH park I had the best time. Does Dreamland make fun, fast and smooth parks. YES. I guess I don’t understand your perspective.
Hell yes T.D. you go dude. I sure wish I didn’t have to drive at least 40 minutes to skate some that doesnt suck. I.E. Renton, Burien, 2 outta the 3 parks in Kent and last but not least the many “Invisible” parks her in sea-town……
ship it up and bring it down here to seattle dude – we’ll gladly take it off your hands so you can stop whining on the internet
WTF is there to bitch about?
Am I the only one who remembers endlessly sketching “fantasy parks” on lined paper in study hall?
Just look what we have now in the..uh..um, 2000’s.
I love this “Jurassic Park” in Tigard.I cant wait. I’ll be there every saturday morning talking to the dinosaur head and brushing its lil’ choppers like Pee Wee and his bike, in “Big Adventure”. I’ll rhetorically ask the dinosaur head if he “saw that air” or “if he noticed I went switch”. And on my bad days I will probably misdirect my anger at “T-rex” as well. Lets not lose sight of our ultimate goal here, which is clearly to skate cool dinosuar shit.
Neil, if you don’t like the new bowl and ditch, there’s always that very nicely constructed old part you can skate.
neil is a loser, dreamland is the best why, dont you go skate a city contracted pile of suck and complain about that
Here’s an idea, don’t respond when baited. It’s obvious Neil has a personal rudge against Dreamland, so just don’t bother to respond to his comments, ’cause it’s not going to change his mind.
i’m not sold on that dinosaur yet either, havent seen it in person though. the kids will love it i’m sure.
When is this OPENING!?
Now that I’ve seen a body shot, I really wanna make out with the Dino. Boobcat, sorry there’s no dino action in your town. Marginal Way should include a concrete mascot of some sort.
Perhaps a Sleestak?
yeah, like that would happen.
look like them there old Kings banks or whatever they were called . the all brick ones on the road out to newberg. yep. they wuz fun.
Guess Neil is too young to appreciate better than ditch transitions without kinks. Marginal? Piles of concrete skullZ havn’t built them yet ..Arrr