Primo Schmimo
I can’t stop watching this video of a Primo slide to back flip. Ok, it’s very light on the slide, in fact, I think it’s just called a rail stand? Freestylers help me out here. Freestylers? I don’t know who this shorty character is but he reminds me of the high school wrestling team. Check it out after the jump.
[Source: Wiskate via the Skateboard Mag]
Shorty primo to backflip
he should be wearing rollerblades, that might make it a little less queer
Loving the JNCO’s
this is not a skateboarder, it’s a guy who can do a backflip. i don’t like it.
I hear shorty backflip and handstand man are teaming up for a tour of modular parks in 2008.
Funny. This is dey ja vu all over again.
Remember Russ Howell and the gymnastic oriented skateboarding that was popular at the time?
that was NOT skateboarding.
it wasn’t even freestyle.
it was jut straight weaksauce.
thats not even a land.
please don’t use skateboarding terms when talking about something that is clearly not skateboarding.
there is no primo slide there–he doesn’t slide on the side of the board at all. He stops, flips the board to railstand and then does his backflip. Nice circus trick, but his taste in clothes is objectionable. What’s with those pants? Certified 100% kook.
great. I jut wasted 20 seconds of my life watching a lame circus act. BTW -I hate clowns.
Like I said, high school wrestler.
Hey man look here! To the one guy that thinks it’s kewl, thanks. And the REST of you people who think that skatebaording is only about long rails and huge stair set, you can cram that up ingorant rectal orifics. I have been working on that trick for 3 yrs and have landed several times, that take was one of 12 attempts made at the end of 4 1/2 hours skate session. I plan on going back and doing it right after warming up so it looks better and can link it up in run. In short if you don’t like it don’t watch it, and since your gunna have 20 more seconds in your life to do something else perch and rotate!
parkour maybe, but not really skating.
“ingorant rectal orifics”?
thanks for the laugh this monday SHORTY…
well i try but i figured that the alternative would’ve been deleted by administrators and none that post would’ve gotten read. so yeah. but it’s whatever.
shorty – go back to thai midget-cage exploding-rooster death match fighting or whatever you were doing before you discovered the skateboard
Wow, feel the hate. Although, I remember when everyone thought Rodney Mullen was queer.
Bobcat’s just jealous cause he’s 8 feet tall.
LOL guys thanx, you’re right though. Mullen is my favorite skater and he was my inspiration not primarily for this trick but inso far as skating generally. i thought it was kewl and the guy at the park thought it was kewl,team blind thought it was kewl when i skated with them so it’s whatever. Conahan, not so much the hate..more like frustration that i dedicated so much time and effort into being able to land this trick (better than in the video) and these guys just come in with these remarks. too all you guys that can’t say good job, maybe you should post some videos of yourselves doing tricks that nobody else has ever done.