Mystery NYC street spot
Nestled in the pictures from yesterday’s post about the Anti-Sit Archives is this mystery spot allegedly somewhere in New York City. This picture shows the banks deserted at lunch time, but don’t ask the author where it is because he’s not flowing. I’m sure it’s not a mystery to the locals. Is it possible to blow out a spot like this, never having been there, not even knowing where it is? Oops! Surely this has appeared in a magazine before. Looks fun.
Update: Quartersnacks comes through with the 411
From Quartersnacks.com.
The “mystery spot” is note a mystery at all, it’s just impossible to skate, which is why it seldom appears in anything. The name of it should be enough of a clue on how easy it is to skate. Here’s a video clip from the spot.
You can see larger versions of these pick on the Quartersnacks spot page.
That’s 48th and Third Ave. Manhattan.
Total bust. The renta cop with the pit bull told us his break schedule. It’s right by another spot called the bubble banks.
Thank you homie.You can skate our spot anytime:http://www.quartersnacks.com/qs/spots/uptown/lenoxledges.php
Bring wax.
another spot that looks pretty similar to this one is a building on the corner of 42nd and 6th ave, check out the back but its surely a bust too.