Hawk or Die
This clip of Tony Hawk skating in the desert somewhere is pretty amazing. I’m guessing (and pulling it out of my ass, really) that this is from the new Birdhouse video The Beginning maybe? As for the skating spectacle and cinematography, it’s great regardless of your personal feelings on Tony. And really, let’s talk about our feelings. Are you ashamed that you have personal feelings about Tony Hawk? Do you wear a hat made out of tin foil to keep him from discovering them via telepathy? I’m going to be really bummed out if I find out those dust storms are computer generated. Also of interest is Jeep product placement, which I’m sure he got paid for. Who knows, maybe it’s for an upcoming Jeep commercial. As for the web site it resides on, Shred or Die, don’t get Mark started on the name. As far as the site goes, it looks like another crossover action sports social networking attempt, and Hawk is all over that place. I’ll say one thing for them, they did a good job on the video controller compared to the rest of them, YouTube included. They have an instant replay feature and the holy grail for skate video internerds, the frame advance. No more monkeying around with the clumsy slider to get to that critical frame. Thanks to Nik for the tip.
Tony Hawk At Soggy Bottom(?)
Doesn’t look very soggy to me! Explain please.
Revolution Mother is Mike V’s band for anyone that doesn’t know. Thought I’d point that out.
that is just silly. All of the sand on the ramp? An accident just waiting to happen. File it under “seemed like a good idea at the time, but never again”. It does look cool though.
Going to a video premier and demo on Sunday… will let ya know how the vid is…
Say what you want about Hawk but how many people can do that stuff? and with sand all over the landing???sick.
Tony kills it – period.
Yeah, no doubt about it, crazy skills.
thats pretty cool except that tony hawk killed skateboarding.