Tigard Progress
Couldn’t resist stopping by Tigard to check out the progress yesterday.
Spine between the bowls. click for a bigger view of the image.
Some deck features.
Curved bench in the shade.
Opening Fall 2007.
Posted by: MC on September 10th, 2007
Categories: Skateparks
Couldn’t resist stopping by Tigard to check out the progress yesterday.
Spine between the bowls. click for a bigger view of the image.
Some deck features.
Curved bench in the shade.
Opening Fall 2007.
This park is going to be a blast.
I stopped by on saturday. The T-rex is sick!!!!!!!
wow. Flashback to those “Dinosaurs Attack!” trading cards.
yup, Marc Bolan was rad.
Electric Warrior!
What, no complaints about how they wasted money on a dinosaur head instead of a a manual pad? Everyone must be studying up for the street park meeting.
Airspeed sure is funny with the dino.
OMG! How is the dinosaur skated, if at all?
So far the head sits on top of an armature but I
Dinosaurs are the new brick banks.
If someone wants to take a picture of a kickturn, then heck yeah!! The dino tail might drape into that little bowl (w/spine) – so weird and awesome! Where is the spinner ala Newberg?
please, please, please, please, please, please tell me that shit is photoshopped in there. it can’t really be in the skatepark. this has to be some sick joke aimed at making me think i’ve lost my mind.
it would be cool to ride up the back of it and off the nose into a tranny… think about it you know you wanna
no neil its real. and you did lost your mind by the way. long time ago. that parks is the best skatepark ever. at least for me. i got to ride a finished bowl (rather dont even try, there is a cops station right next to it, but who knows) and it is absolutely out of this world if you can skate good enough to use those two upper pockets. im talking revolution baby! and tommorow they are adding neandrethal man on not so far from t-rex. you will se it and you will cry neil, and run to your mommy…
PS. there gonna be bank under that head and it is gonna be skatebale. thrasher cover baby. maybe you can learn bunch of cool little flip tricks to fakie under it. roll ins to bank should be chalenging too.
It’s got all the makings of a town that is try to out do it self on making the best worst parks ever. “Spoiled” some say we are, but i say we got a good thing going. Beats the San Jose “lets build the everything park in one place”. They could have spent all that money and everyone in that shark infested town could have a place to pick and choose from. not to mention they wouldn’t have to pay for parking.
what ever. Rad.
Dudes, I just want more parks up here.
Especially ones with dinosaurs. No joke.
Not to complain about the parks. We’ve got a lot of nice ones already. But we don’t have any dinosaurs yet.
where’s the peewee herman statue running out of the trex?
how long before somebody spray paints a penis on that thing?
Maybe he’s planning to sculpt one.
Personally, I only like to skate mastodons and I’m pissed that these guys built a freaking dinosaur instead.
that looks fucken sick. when will it be open to skate
I’d like to see a Pterodactyl, so there.
I hope that dino takes a big dino caka on lame commenters!
And some teeth fall out on any wack tagger or complainer about designs and gives them stigmata.
I recently took my kids to the Tigard skate park. The park is cool if you don’t get eaten by dinosaurs. And man are they tough picking on a dad with a 10 year old and 13 year old. I have been skating since the 80s and dinosaurs should be extinct, not hanging out at a skate park eating people and pooping. Obviously pissed that they are extinct and giant meteor to blame. You guys may get away with this 90% of the time but the upright walking large brained people like me know that evolution will eventually work in our favor. I will be actively working to make sure this doesn’t happen again to someone else. It’s only a matter of time before the park is shutdown due to the behavior of dinosaurs. If this type of situation happens to you, do as I am and contact the Herculoids and any other cavemen that has an e-mail. Make it known that taxpayers and their children are being harassed by dinosaurs. Even though park was not sanctioned by the city it still falls under the laws of geolithic time periods.