When BMX attacks!
Some kid (adult, actually) tried to ride his bike at a skatepark and got kicked out. Not a big deal, except for a few things that make this more interesting. The skatepark was already closed for a specai “summer camp only” session, so he was double barging. Not only that, but the kid came back a short time later and started yelling at kids while riding around the park “recklessly.” He even ran into and injured a nine year old kid. Way to go tough guy! To make it even stranger, he was friends with or at least on friendly terms with a bunch of the local skate kids. As if it couldn’t get any stranger, witness nine year old kids wearing pork pie hats as a fashion statement! This isn’t a really a BMX versus skateboarders story, just more of a moron vs. little kids story. In any case, the police picked up the kid, who hopefully has come down from whatever he was under the influence of before returning to the skatepark. Philip Delisle of Hillsboro Oregon, we salute you for your bravery! Watch the news report after the jump. [Source: Sleestak]
Police: Bicyclist Crashes Kids Skateboard Camp
From Fox 12 News:
Police: Bicyclist Crashes Kids Skateboard Camp
POSTED: 5:11 pm PDT July 27, 2007
UPDATED: 9:10 am PDT July 30, 2007HILLSBORO, Ore. — A rowdy bicyclist was arrested after he disrupted a youth skateboard camp in Hillsboro, according to police.
Police said the 18-year-old man was riding a BMX bicycle when he tried to enter Reedville Skate Park during an organized skateboarding camp that had temporarily closed the skate park Tuesday. Staff members turned the man away, but he returned a short time later, officers said. While yelling profanities, he rode his bicycle recklessly through the skate park, causing an injury to a 9-year-old child who tried to avoid colliding with the bicyclist, according to police. Police said there were 18 children, ranging in age from 8 to 13 years old, who were attending the camp and riding their skateboards in the concrete bowl area of the skate park. Officers said a child’s parent took a digital photograph of the bicyclist and police were able to identify him as Phillip Delisle.
Delisle returned to the skate park Friday and was arrested on charges of assault, reckless endangering, disorderly conduct and trespassing.
Maybe thats a relative of Joey Willilams, the species of people with pea sized brains.
get’em out!!!!! “This isn
maybe its a devil advocate in me but i did a same thing many times in my life (mostly around being 18 years old) yelling profanities? some kids are fuckers, i cant help it. reckless endagering of little ones? that shit happens in burnside (and i lot of other parks all over a world) almost any given day by fellow skaters.
that kid was probably acting retarded and stupid (i know – it was closed for some little fuckers camp) but same stuff is done by skaters all the time. plus i really hate chanel 12 kind of pseudo journalism. kid going to jail for something like that and then has his mugshot put on tv like some rapist. thats AMERICA
if my son decide to skate one day he is gonna get probably more than one lessons that it is not okay to be in other peoples way in skatepark. i can only hope that those will be nice lessons but i cant guarantee it.
Yeah.. that public park wasn’t Burnside though, was it? Litle kids don’t belong at Burnside. One of those lessons that Philip needs to learn is not to be a dick to little kids who are literally half his age. His beef should have been with the staff that kicked him out. A little kid should not have to worry about getting in the way of an older kid who isn’t even supposed to be there and is obviousyl out for trouble.
Believe me, It pains me to watch Fox News. Victim TV.
Media like Fox News- is the worst. But BMX’ers with no respect is bad for all BMX’ers.
This would only be sweeter if it was in their Meth Watch segment.
…or if Mr. Wilson had tried dropping in.