Triefecta Quick Pics - Battleground Pro Rained out

Triefecta Quick Pics – Battleground Pro Rained out

Pro contest was rained out, but the capsule dork session raged for about 10 minutes. That’s Jesse Nelson in the corner. Masters and women’s division squeaked in before the rain. I didn’t hear them announce the women’s results over the microphone for some reason, but the Masters came in Salba, Grover (!), Ngoho, Charnoski, and Buck Smith with the win. The pro contest may be going down at Glenhave and or Tobin’s house (no spectator’s obviously) as we speak, but there wasn’t much of a unified vision being presented, so I went home.


One thought on “Triefecta Quick Pics – Battleground Pro Rained out

  1. nweyesk8 on August 12, 2007 - Reply

    yeah Grover!!!!!

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