Cartoon Network sponsors contests (at the mall!)
I was looking all over for links to the Clackamas Town Center skatepark and thinking these parks are popping up right under my nose without any warning. Then I realized it was actually being held at the mall. Sweet. I’m going to grab my girlfriend, give her a macrame bracelet with my name on it, stuff my oversized comb into the back of my Jordache jeans and head on over to this street contest sponsored by Cartoon Network’s Toonami. They say I can even meet Kris Markovich. The whole thing is free and if I win I’m going to LA for the finals, which I’m sure will be heavily covered by Thrasher et al. Only the first 100 skaters in line by 9:00 am (7-25 in Portland) will be able to compete, which is why I posted this at midnight. Don’t tell my mom I’m ditching curfew. Info. Head on over to Craigslist if you wan to get a temp job working the event. Just a heads up that the Sarcastic Web Commenter position is already taken. Thanks to Troy Sliter for the tip off. He’ll be the 80’s skater disguised as a teenager at this contest.
Looks like you get to jump over a car. Sweet!
I know a kid that can win that blindfolded- COLTON! Go get it son.
Cartoon Network wants YOUR kid to SKATE THE MALL!
They’ll probably set up the skate area where the ice rink, food, and that god awful creepy amusement park used to be.
fuck it, i’m goin fishing
this skate kart was so good it has made me want to get one , please tell me 07741321165