RIP Wes Linn
Just got the sad news that our skate buddy from West Linn took his own life over the weekend. No details to share, but plenty of sadness to go around. Our condolences to friends and family.
Sequence of Wes grinding over the stairs at West Linn before the Trifecta last year.
Wow! This is awful news, I don’t even know what to say. I really liked that kid and am truly sad to be reading this.
Wes was super nice always treated me with respect and I was always fired up to skate with him in the session. I feel honored to know him as well as I did and am sad that I obviously did not know him well enough. This is a sad day. RIP Wes! You will be missed.
Yeah, I didn
It’s very sad, of course. Initially we had a bit of an unprovoked run in with him that seemed partially due to his alcohol intake or possible mental instability. Eventually we got along fine with him, and had some good times and shared some laughs. He was fun to have at the session. He did seem to be a little volatile. I like Smay’s eulogy. Hopefully he’ll find peace, even though I don’t believe in the afterlife.
Anybody know his real name?
Noooo. Wes was a genuinely nice guy, a bloke you could trust. He had a cool little dog that he would bring to the session and always asked me questions about him. The first day we met him at West Linn he was blitzed on Budweiser with a broken arm and tried to start a fight with me, Randy, Grover and Shawn as he thought we were a crew of prima-donna snakes. I thought Shawn was going to kill him! We all hashed it out though and became closer friends after that. I just saw Wes at Battleground and thought “what a nice guy”, I should have told him so.
That’s really sad.
fuck! i don’ t like this news…
I could really use some family info if anyone has it.. i have a message he left just after the battleground demo and it might be of some interest to family members…
This is really devistating news. Wes was a top notch guy. I’ll never foprget how he blazed over those steps with a grin on his face. His triple 50/50 line got me stoked everytime he barged it too! Ive shown up solo so many times at West Linn only to have Wes and Smokey and John pull up in Wes’s truck. Those guys brought the session and Wes was a big part of that great energy. Wes always invited me to underground hip-hop shows even though Im not really into it and never showed up. He had such good energy!
I remeber once I was having a cold one with Wes after a fun sesh. His phone rang and it was his Mom…he put her on speaker phone so we could hear her southern drawl….all of a sudden the guy who just slammed a 40 and shredded around the park recklessly had a softer gentler side. He answered his Mom’s questions with a respectful and polite tone and a softer side of Wes was shown.
Wes was down with anyone that was down to skate and have fun. I know he is in a better palce and hopefully has found some of the peace that were all looking for. RIP WES!
Sorry to hear about that kid. He was f-d up I wished he wouldnt have killed him self.
Sorry to hear the news. Wes was always respectful and I always enjoyed watching him skate. It’s sad indeed and maybe we can have a minute of silence for Wes on Saturday at the West Linn park slalom. Rest in peace Wes.
Good idea Rich.
Before we run the first skater…..we will have a minute of silence to honor him, no problem. Another man down, bummer.
This sucks.
Our first run in with him he was drunk and mad. Then at Sleestok in LC he came up to me and apoligized for being a dick. I thought it was genuinely nice since so much time had passed without even one word exchanged bewteen the 2 events, not to mention it was unnecessary.
‘Tis always sad to hear news like this. Sorry for the loss of your friend and fellow skater. Condolences to his family as well.
Oh my…I am speechless. I didn’t know him at all other than the “50-50 guy” but he would always say hi and cheer on EVERY other skater at the park. He brought to the park what sessioning should be like.
After reading all the things people had to say about him I am even more sad. Take this down it is only a reminder of the bad.I saw him at battelground two weeks ago, I will miss our encounter.
why take it down? The way we are in life will be the way we are remembered after we go. We should all think on that, and maybe we will make better decisions while we are here.
I couldn’t agree more w/ houseofneil.(also good look’n out, Rich) I didn’t know this man at all but hearing about this makes me think about how quickly one can fall victim to themselves. We should certainly all be real about his memory and still compassionate for a fallen life.
I bet his homies are gunna get buzzed & schralp the park in his name, I suggest the same for others. RIP
Bizarre perspective Doc…
Wes, brought a boat load of STOKE to the park when he showed up. He was a cool dude.
Added energy to the session.
Kept the coping sauced.
Had bad knees.
Always said hi.
Will be missed.
I had met this guy several times, sometimes he was cool, other times he was Wes. He was always down for anyone (except bikers), especially people ripping and having fun. I will miss his antics and his skating at West Linn. RIP Wes.
respect, he made me a better skateboarder, i wouldn’t be able to drop in if it wasn’t for him
This is his girl. His real name is Wesley Dale Canterberry Born September 23rd 1984, passed June 15th 2007 Smokey him and I appreciate everyones kindness through all the parks we visited. Even if at times Wesley couldnt hold his temper. Sorry for any occurances. I would like to know what the gentleman was talking about what he had to say for his family if its possible. Wes was the one of the smartest egotistical hard headed people i will ever meet in my life and I loved him for it. He cheered everyone on at the parks whether he knew you or not, unless you looked like you “dressed up” to go to the sp. I will miss his passion for skateboarding because if i’ve ever seen anyone with it it would be him. He would stay all day 8-9 hours at the park hardly any breaks hours after he got “rubber chicken legs”. And make himself grind those trucks down even further. He was my best friend and hopefully I will see all of you around soon because I can think of nothing better to do than skate in his memory
man thats some sad news, Wes taught me how to grind pool coping for my first time, he was a hella chill guy, I remember even a few times when he gave me a ride home when it started raining. ever since he died it been kinda sad to see the stairs that he used to hit never used anymore Wes was one hell of a skater I’m gonna miss ya man R.I.P
Wes was a nice guy when I worked at the Madison M hosipital, I didn’t get a chance to really know him..but he seems so kind and Always cheers me up when I had a bum day..then, after the Marines, I went back to visit have heard about it through some classmates…and would like to wish him all the peace and love there is to have whereever he may be…and to be honest I have had a slight crush on him before we graduated. You will be missed Wes,