Where is he? In a Soytruk.
Remember Andy Wissman? Well so far he has resisted our offer for a spotlight photo gallery, but he did let us know about the release of Soytruk issue one. I like the zine, it’s got good photography and a sense of humor. Reminds me of the the old Swank Zine days, although a little more coherent. And in color. And presented digitally. Speaking of the presentation, I’m not too crazy about the delivery. The pages are easy to navigate, but the default image size on Flickr hosting (in this case, the pages) are too small. I also want to see the edges of the page. Give me a PDF file that I can download. It may be the lazy way of presenting a zine, but I guess you can’t beat the free hosting. At least he put it out. I’m still sitting on an print issue of Skate and Annoy that has barely seen the light of day. gee, maybe if I spent less time writing about other people’s work… I took a few liberties with his page layouts for the graphic above, so check out Soytruk.
I used the slideshow feature of Flickr and found it fairly easy to read. I like the creative use of Flickr for a zine. Might this be, dare I coin the word, a flickr-zine?
Check Andy Out at Skatemidwest.com
He blogs for the site and is one hell of a dude!
wissman is a douche dick box and i love him.