Battle Ground skatepark opens in two weeks!
Here’s the info in case you can’t read the graphic. Battle Ground Skate Park Grand Opening. Saturday June 2. Noon-5 p.m. Skate Demos by Manik Skateboards, Vox Shoes, Rebel Skates, Bacon Skateboards and the Mulkiteo YMCA Skate Team. Music by the Fakies. BMX demo by Northwest Crew at 4 p.m. Prizes and Giveaways
Suh-weet! I’ll see everyone there at 4:00 on the dot. DOn’t want to miss that demo.
Its so awesome that BG finally put a skate park in! I’ll be there at 2. C everyone there. Oh, has anyone heard the rumor that Bam an Tony Hawk is gunna be there? Dont know if I believe it or not… but i guess i’ll find out tomarow at 2 when it all goes down. *Peace
Man, I hope Bam shows up …
Battle Ground Skate Park is open for business and it is packed out!
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! i am a pro skater. i am stoked
i love barney! my skateboards purple. i love talla tubbies!
sweet dude! everyone email me!
hey dudes. they should like seriously build a hockey rink instead…
i am so pumped to go and find all of the hot babes at the skate park. it will be a blast because i am a hot guy and i will be able to get all the babes. i have like an 8 pack. it is kinda annoying being hot though cause i get chicks calling me at all hours of the night. but anyway if you are hot email me at babes@yahoo.com. peace out hot babes. from the hot guy
i am pumped that they are putting a skate park into battle ground cause then everyone wont have to skate around kiwanis where there are just a bunch of crack heads and you cant really do anything there because there are always a lot of little kids running around and they get in your way and get caught in your wheels. but i am so pumped to go. i went to the opening but it was pretty gay because they had speeches for about 45 minutes and it was so hot. but it was pretty cool seeing all of the skaters. i think they should actually have someone famous come there because then it will get a lot more publicity and there will be more skilled skaters there. i love to just go there and watch people skate. the skate team that was there had a bunch or wierd looking people and i think that they at least need to get one famous person in there. the band sucked and they needed some work on that! but peace the %&$*$ out!
hey, the skatepark is RADICAL DUDE! NEHOW i just love my dreamweaver project that i did in Mr. Lents class. it was so much fun, but noone voted me so i didnt win…
i was pretty sad. my friend tressa was really sympathizing though. at least i have someone to rely on to cry on a shoulder… I LOVE YOU TRESSA HARVEATER!
You should change the name of the site to “Skate and Comment.” I know where to look if I want to be annoyed. Stay in school kids because so far, your communication skills leave much to be desired.
Hey Whitney, you spelt Tressa’s name wrong, its tressa harveSter. Anyways, yeah the band that played at the opening pretty much sucks really bad, not to be rude, but yeah.
o thats how i thought you spelt it. but to the kid who said to stay in school you sound like a fag. so shut it.
That kid could be older than your dad. Fag is a cigarette. Spelt is a grain. You are an idiot.
Randy, what’s up with the kiddie invasion man? did you promoto your site on MTV or something like that? I think we need to start a “sweet sixteen” thread!
vert kook, you sound like a fag too. if hes older than my dad what is he doing at a skate park. yeah fag is a cig if you were born in the 1800s.
hey you cares what a cigeratte is. but whats up guys. howd ya like the skate park. peace! ***
hey you kids better be careful, there are a lot of drugs in this world today, it is such a wonderful thing that there is such a nice place for you younglings to hang out. well kids i love your souls and i hope you don’t die there on drugs. love Janette ps i am the mother of a kid that skates there all the time.
JF – Yeah, I don’t know. That’s the occasional risk you run with free speech. They will stop coming after a while.
toadinator – Battle Ground seems to be loved by everyone who has been there. I’d say it’s none of the top parks in the Nortwest, if not the nation.
Whitney – You must make your parents proud.
battle ground is pretty tyte. but who is this and where do you live? i mean battle ground can be gay at times though but the skate park is pretty cool. it is pretty big.
whats ups homiez? battle ground skate park rox! it is the awesomest park around!
hey ya’ll i found this site and wanted to let everyone know that Bam and Tony Hawk WERE NOT THERE i was kinda irritated, byt i juz handled it pretty well, my mom is kinda nervous about me skating here, but she says its better that dieing on drugs, so yah, she supports me and my friend skating there, i mean my friend is just a dog, but he’s the only friend i have except for the internet, but i kinda hope i die doing somethin i love so much.
hey skate4life, you should meet me at the skatepark sometime, that sounds rather sad, i mean like i’ll be ur friend.
yah, i dont really care, i just moved here about a month ago, so i didnt start school since it is the end of the year, but i’ll meet you there
dude this has got to be the awesomest skate park around. i mean dude it has rails, ramps, and bowls. most skate parks just focus around one area. and you can bike and do everything there. i love the bowls. they are so tyte. i love that they have one bowl that is focused just on sk8ing. i mean the bikers, little kids, and rollerbladers are taking over the park. i mean seriously also why do they have so many cops. we aint gonna be able to smoke pot and skate at the same time. i live less than 5 miles from it and i have skated my whole life so it is sweete that i finally have some place other than kiwanis to go. but peace it out i have got to get back to work. tell me what you think of mine @ iaintyomother@yahoo.com
Hey, Kilwag, I think you should notify To Catch a Predator about this post. Skate4Life could be 50 years old!!! Why does everything that mentions Bam Margera turn into absolute teenage abbreviated crud after the 50th comment?
Amy could be a 50 year old dude too. I’ve seen a few of those with huge breasts.
They are both posting from a school in Washington. If ever there was an argument for “Hey Kids! Stay OUT of school” this is it. Remember when you had to try and get laid without the internet? I expect a population boom.
Who cares about BAM..? (we’ll unless you are a 15yrs old girl who doesn’t skate but dresses like a skater and wears DC shoes cause it’s cool). Benji Galoway was there, what else do you need?
You guys need to go to a dating web site. This isn’t MySpace.
The skate park is pretty awesome!! Finally battle ground is getting pretty big
k. tard brains. get a life and get a boyfriend/girlfriend. and by the way you guys should get myspace or email or something. we dont all wanna hear about your relationships!
U need to get a life
Randy, please make it stop!
time to rename the site DateandAnnoy.
JF- You wish is my command.
I deleted most of the “I need a date” comments. And I’m closing the comments.