Glenhaven art
Dave Tobin sent this photo of Jay Meer painting a sign for Glenhaven. Jay is the artist responsible for the mural work at Burnside over the years. Five more days and the sucker is open!
Posted by: MC on April 22nd, 2007
Categories: Artsy Fartsy, Skate, Skateparks
Dave Tobin sent this photo of Jay Meer painting a sign for Glenhaven. Jay is the artist responsible for the mural work at Burnside over the years. Five more days and the sucker is open!
Cool looking sign.
we need one at pier
How to put this politely…
I’ve seen some stuff that’s OK at Burnside, but I’m not a fan of this style. Different tastes I guess.
The Glenhaven sign looks kind of generic. But it would be cool if he changed it every so often like Burnside does.
Some kids will tag that anyway, nice invite to say its cool to do that…………SOLV is going have a busy summer.
I took a walk around the park on Saturday while he was painting the sign. The park looks like SO much fun. Can’t wait.
I’m with Randy, it’s ghetto.
I never have seen “Kilwag” at Burnside..so how would you have seen his work?
Yeah, you’re right. I have friends describe it to me over the phone.
Gimme a break. Not everybody likes the same thing, especially in “Art.”
I know I have skated Burnside with Kilwag before.
Sweet. I saw that sign and wondered if it was Jay Meer’s work. The little grim reaper dude reminded me of one of the pieces that used to be at Burnside. A silhouette of a bunch of skaters coming over the hill with shovels and trowels in their hands.
Check out his website… http://www.jaymeer.com/pages/29_apg.htm
WHatever lol
I love the getto.
Generic is grey walls, Which you would def. of seen some wack tags on if my murals were not there.
This helps deter vadalism belive it or not, that is what Park and Rec. said and I think the same. Hopefully it will create some respect.
For a 3 day mural painting in wind and rain a week before park opening I think I did a good job.
Currently it has to run 5 years because of city code but in the future we might be able to side step that.
My stuff at Burnside over the past 14 years, has appeared worldwide is for the most part highly respected and has influenced skateboarders and artists alike, I think some of it is just OK too. lol
I am not the best aerosol artist true. But It’s not really just my art anyway it is the ideas content & my personality I am a 20 + year skater too, and dangit people just like me.
Look for me at that Getto skatepark with the Getto art under the bridge, now that is a fun place to kick it with the lowlifes, junkies, drunks and bums, oh yeah some skateboarders are there too, & they are all my friends/skateboard family.
No offense intended, I’m just not a fan of the genre.