Back in Stak!!!!!!!
Dear Sleestak, I know I haven’t been around much lately, I’ve just been… Well, you know, busy. Ever since I started updating Skate and Annoy on a regular basis I haven’t had time to hang out over there very much. Listen, I think we should see other people and still be friends.
It’s true. I’m barely over there anymore. I didn’t even realize Bobcat had started letting the general public in for the last month or so. Sleestak is blogging, and there’s good stuff to be found over there. The wiki action is open to the public (I guess anything WIKI is by definition), but the forums are still private. Sleewha? In case you don’t know, aside from Land of the Lost, Sleestak is the all-time reigning champ of the Northwest skateboard community, dating back to it’s genesis as a zine in the 90’s. If you think we get cranky over here, Sleestak pulls no punches. Don’t let the gruff demeanor scare you away, they’re good people though. When you check out the blog, make sure you click on all the small squares on the top of the page. Expect to see a lot of these in the future: [Source: Sleestock]