Sensitive but dark skater doesn’t think he is good anymore, needs a hug!
A secret alarm just went off at the offices of Skate and Annoy. Somewhere in the world a skateboarder is becoming disillusioned:
You know, I’ve been skateboarding for a long time, and i’ve gotten to a point where the way I skate is fairly unique. However, it’s gotten to a point where I don’t have the desire to increase my ability anymore. I’ve tried the biggest stuff I wanna try. I do all the tricks I’ve ever dreamed of. Some of the tricks I do I didn’t even dream I would ever be capable of doing. I guess what I’m saying is that I am in a slump in my skateboarding insperation. Videos don’t cut it for me anymore either. I used to aspire to be pro and to be cutting edge and stupid childish things like that. Now I don’t care. To be honest I just go skate to make up for having no life, lol. I’ve been told I’m good, but I just don’t feel it anymore, can anyone give me some advice, please?
Dark Mystic aka Asylum_reject aka Jordan needs your help everyone. Be nice, he’s in a fragile place. Here’s my advice: Shut up and skate! It could be worse, you could be this guy. We may need to start a MySpace Skater of the Week.
Good idea, you could call it “Whiny little bitch of the week.”
I’ve got another idea, he could put some time in learning to spell!
he looks too old to be riding a skateboard anyway
yes whiny skater bitch of the week sounds like a good column to start
Come on people, where is the love? I put Tenderheart Care Bare on the picture so there wouldn’t be any nasty name calling. This guy really neeeds our help. Feel his torment.
check out the avatar for Richard on the kid’s blog link, he’s so dreamy with the head tilt.
also, shut up and skate.