Get off your couch and play skateboarding.
“Pull off a radical half pipe move from the comfort of your living room couch.” Actually, I think you need to get off the couch and stand on this thing to play the game.
Radica makes a series of games called Play TV which are cheap video games linked with a controller that resembles the equipment of the sport that the game mimics. Hence Play TV Skateboarding.
Pull off a radical half pipe move from the comfort of your living room couch. This action-packed game plugs directly into your TV and lets you play through a series of mini-games in two different game modes. Choose from three different skaters and pull off terrific tricks and moves with a combination of joystick buttons and board movements. Requires 6 AA batteries, not included.
I haven’t seen this thing in person, but I imagine it sucks is mildly amusing. The concept for the controller is a good one, but at this price level it will likely be frustratingly hard to callibrate. Of course, this assumes that the game design itself is any good, which judging from the screen shots is purely bad 80’s era video game technology. Even the course looks like it’s 80’s vintage. Do they even have cars in street contests anymore? Hey, what do you expect from a cheap home console game? Probably not the level of imersion you get from skateboard games possible with the Wii motion sensitve controller.
This simple video game system plugs directly into a television and translates a childs motion into real-time tricks and movements as players navigate multiple urban skateboard challenges such as timed races, slalom and obstacle courses, half-pipe environments, free skating, and tournament play.
If you want to buy this, it’s available for an overpriced $70 at most places like Hammacher Schlemmer and Amazon, so head on over to K-Mart, and if they are still in business you can pick one up for $40. Just think, in a couple of years it should right at $20, which seems about right to me.
Actually, this game is designed by the same company that has designed many NHL, NFL, and NBL games for Nintendo and PlayStation (along with Scarface: money, Power, Respect; the #1 selling game on the PSP in October). The owner of the company (and lead designer) is my brother. I am sure that your expert opinion comes from your off work time (from flipping burgers?) which you spend playing multitudes of video games. In case you haven’t noticed, there is an appaling increase in children with type 2 diabetes (leading cause: poor diet and lack of excercise). This game (and those like it) are designed to actually get kids off the couch and hopfully save there lives since their parents obviously think that TV is an acceptable baby-sitter. Future advise: try something before you leave advice. It is actually a pretty cool (and fun) game.
Oh Heather…
I’m not giving advice, merely a prediction about what this game might be like based on past experience. Nowhere does this claim to be a review. That’s why it’s not in our Reviews section. My expert opinion comes from being a consumer and a skateboarder. You must be a professional video game tester then?
Here’s some advice then. Learn how to spell advice, and if you are trying to change someone’s opinion, it’s best not to insult them. You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
That being said: Now you know where your brother can send the review copy.
Skate and Annoy
3439 NE Sandy Blvd
PMB #666
Portland Or