New Zealand Action
Up here in Portland we may not know much about New Zealand, but we do know they have pools. So it should come as no surprise that there are skate parks too. These pics are of a spot called Chafers Skate Park in Wellington, New Zealand. The top shot is from Wellington Daily Photo and the bottom two are from Zoom In which is the best way to explore New Zealand, right? It’s funny how you can look at a skate park just as you can look at a general view of any city and get a vague sense of where it is based on the architecture. It’s like when you are watching a movie or TV and you think “This looks like it was shot in Canada.” I don’t know where on the map I would have put these shots, but they don’t look like anything I’ve seen in North America, they are just a little peculiar. Remember, I’m strictly talking about the skate park architecture. In any case, it looks fun. Certainly a lot more fun than the old one. (Although the banks look promising from afar, via the Interwebâ„¢ ) Check out these two pages for links to larger, un-cropped versions.