Look out world, there’s a new skateboarder in town!
That’s right, and her name is Mz. Exclusive – WELCOME TO HOLLYWOODâ„¢ or possibly Bunny. Congratulations! Awesome! We’ve been waiting for you. Welcome to the world of skateboarding and good luck in college. I hear they have spelling and grammar checking on those computers. You might want to look into that.
sooo i basically went skateboardin today even tho its like 30 degrees outside nd i LOVED IT!!so therefore i went out n got some DC shoes dats raw as hell just cuz dey on me lol.but chea i realize that i dont need to be hood to get ma muffuckin respect cuaz i already got enough rank in dese streets ya dig. Fuck da jordans nd da ones dat shit aint meant for everybody black person like me.i been in da hood fa 16 years of my life until i moved to lake county nd i know what bein hood is nd muffackus out here just aint it so y front when i can just be a prep like i SHOULD be. Dont get me wrong im STILL hood n i will still cut a bitch but there is no need to worry about wat da typical chi town female .Ima be me no matta wat so fuck it IMA SKATEBOARDER NOW!DEAL WIT IT! n naw i aint losin my gangsta nd im NOT turnin white im doin what makes me happy for me NOT fa dese lil wanna be thugs or for these lil hoodrats ya dig.U got a problem wit it come holla at me.But chea get at meh if u feelin it if not den FUCK YOU! lol.im GHOST nikkas.
P.S new style comin soon….
~bunny~da new skateboarder yep!
Rest assured knowing the children are our future.
the spelling and grammar checker might explode.