Granite Skate Park in Sacto
I’ve seen pics of this park in a newspaper article that I thought we posted but I can’t find it now. These pics of the recently opened Granite Park in Sacramento CA come through the unknown courtesy of Thrasher Magazine and photog Schmitty. Definitely worth checking out the larger versions and additional pics. The park appears to be spread out all over the place with street track like elements as well. The most notable feature is the not quite full pipe. It’s not even a 3/4 pipe. The design is a good one, it has the over-vert elements of a full pipe while still being open air, and interesting to look at. I’m leaning towards a grade C execution of a grade A idea though. It looks like you can grind the top of over-vert sections, but the true feeling of riding a full pipe requires a higher wall. I think they should have made the side walls higher, or at least a section of them. What say you? Regardless, it looks like a heck of a park. Thanks to Troy Sliter for the link.
Pier; door, Granite; lip. It’s actually better than the pics make it look. Somebody like Hewitt is bound to grind it.
Sorry for the comment, I know this place is locals only.
The mickey mouse bowl is my kind of turf, ideal.
No, no, not locals only at all. Please, please feel free to chime in!
We have locals from Chicago and the U.K., and always looking for more.
Back to your point.. I see that for sure. I guess I was just thrown off cause the rings evoke the look of a full pipe – so I couldn’t get past that. Different is good.
I’d like to say PHUCK Sacramento! It’s a wally HOLLYDAY park that was finished in JUNE and they kept the park on lock down until the day after Thanksgiving. PHUCK you Sacramento! There is also another skatepark in Sack Town (sack like my nut sack) called Tanzanite that is finished and isn’t going to open till spring next year. Finished parks that are closed until they can LANDSCAPE.
I also think Granite’s yahoo design is something less than desirable. “yeah, let’s put a bowl here” and then “let’s take a stroll down this cool sidewalk over to bowl #2” “i love this little walking path honey. Don’t you sweetheart?”
“oh, let’s take a break and picnic for a minute in between bowls”
I like the bowls. I even talked to Wally HOllyday one morning to find out if it was finished. I give them credit for finally doin something I might travel to. I also hear there is some 13′ deep section. Other than that, I don’t see the FLOW IN THE PARK.
NO FLOW, NO GO! If you want want big hair ball bowls, and FLOW, GO to Klamath Falls.
KF, still in my book “damn, near the best skatepark in the world”
and it’s six hours closer.
Flow.. Whatever Mr. X-treme games. Please don’t come to the park then. We don’t need more whiny b!tches complaining they can’t find lines in a park of this size. If you can’t find a flow, maybe you don’t have one.
I got to throw the BS flag here. I just skated Granite, and there is flow. You just got to get yer arse down here and ride it for more than 5 minutes….
YOu can’t judge it by the pics….
Hey, stay home, or quit’cher whinin’.
dude that fing place is huge get off highway 50 sac on howe ave go north towards courthouse buildings cut through cent of childrens court building,keep going we couldnt see it from the road about 1000 ft off the lardge road at your 2 oclock bside b seeya
i skated that park, its okay but it could be better
Yeah, this park is sick! I live about 5 miles away and I don’t even think about driving. The LR brings you within walking distance! Also, this park is huge! Even on weekends, when people gravitate towards the park, you can find sanctuary in an unoccupied portion of the park, be it a bowl or perhaps a ledge or box. If you find yourself discouraged or incapable, which I sometimes do, then the abundance of very skilled skaters provides a great opportunity to learn. Finally, Sacramento has something worthwhile!
i live 1 LR station within this skate parkk its hella legit
Jugding from the pictures (I’ve never rode it, but are extremely well aquainted with Wally/Park/Transitions&Surfaces) it “looks” like another grand slam from Hollyday. Anyone bitchin about that @#$% should STICK a wooden ramp at the end of their driveway, get towed by a speeding car into it, fly up and over it and SMASH their %#$@en HEAD on a rock!!! D-man