Countdown to GSD?
What is this countdown to GSD on the new Foundation web site? Is it some sort of cryptic announcement about the inventor of the boneless one? (Yes, the correct name actually has two words..) Can anyone shed some light?
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on September 20th, 2006
Categories: Back In The Day, Industry Crap
What is this countdown to GSD on the new Foundation web site? Is it some sort of cryptic announcement about the inventor of the boneless one? (Yes, the correct name actually has two words..) Can anyone shed some light?
gsd did not invent the boneless one (well maybe to himself he did), he just named it and got credit ‘cuz he had an 80’s ragazine, or cuz he showed it to Cab. At least he didn’t name it after himself, as was the trend in the early years. My brother and i were doing that stunt in ’78. We called them frontside footplants. Did ’em on driveways, banks, and vert. I think its kinda funny when dudes “claim” tricks. Lots of people are rolling around on these boards and making up the same stuff without knowledge of the others. I think GSD may have invented the “guy with a pro model who doesn’t even really rip” though.
Sounds like a guy I met who said he was doing Lien airs in Florida back in the late 70’s before they had that name. It’s all who you know, apparently. Regardless, I still think GSD was/is rad. Pro models often had more to do with personality and marketing instead of contest placing. I’d say that still holds true today.
different GSD I believe. I think it means Go Skate Day. And I agree w/ Randy. GSD was totally rad. And it’s not just GSD who credits him with inventing the boneless one. Everybody does. Including those that were there at the time.
Well if everybody says so then it must be true. I know what i know. We did’em on skinny boards (pre-“pig”). I am sure there were probably other guys doing them in other places around the same time. I broke my arm doing them on vert in 79. “Everybody” was not skating in our rural North Carolina community in the late 70’s. There were just three of us, and we didn’t make our own zine so that Everybody would know what we were doing. We had fun just skating what we could find or build, making occasional trips to Durham to skate the snake runs, trying to do stuff we saw pictures of in “Skateboarder”, and making up “new” tricks.
-“Pro models often had more to do with personality and marketing instead of contest placing.”- That was the point of my joke, I think he started that. He’s the first guy i remember getting a pro model without really being a top notch skater. Anyway I enjoy checking out your site and I hope I didn’t piss you guys off by making fun of GSD. Thanks for instigating my jog down memory lane. And no I don’t have a vintage hot rod that matches my vintage skateboard, like the guy from Fla., but that was pretty funny!
No offense taken. Florida man (David Bonnell) was still riding hard when I met him. I don’t doubt that he did Lien Airs before they were called that, or that someone else did pre-boneless ones either. It’s good to have discourse without resulting Internet name calling. I think we all can agree, the first person to do a trick is not always credited with it. As Neil will attest to my roast beef grabs off the launch ramp in front of our house circa 85. I am more than happy to let someone else lay claim to inventing that!
…what about “hazards”? If GSD layed claim to them I would believe it pesonally. Neil, ruling?