Snake Runs For Everyone!
This is going to be everywhere soon. As near as I can tell, Grindline is building a figure 8 snake run style skatepark in Dillon Montana. Instead of the jump over the middle there is a full pipe. Sure, Dreamland’s park in Hailey is close to the same, but this one is scaled down and geared more towards being able to transverse the park in any direction. Park slalom anyone?
Grindline via Earth Patrol Media
I wonder how hard it will be to keep it going. How many laps willl people be able to do without stopping?
I think Montana is a good destination for the next summer solstice skate trip. We could then answer MC’s question: “How many licks does it take to get to the center of ….” Ooops, wait, I mean “How many laps can people do without stopping?”
Montana – Destination state for skateboarding!
Innovating left and right. That design looks killer.