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There’s a kick ass web site called spamusement.com whose description is “Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines!” Tony Hawk just happens to appear as a reference in one of the cartoons. At this point he has entered the collective subconscious of the non-skating public and has become a pop culture reference. This cartoon isn’t one of the best or worst from that site. There are some that are laugh-out-loud funny. I highly recommend it. This one is currently 164 out of 323 which would date it at approximately 2005 according to the copyrights on the web site.
Tony Hawk Freestyle Tacos and that crappy drawing pretty much sums it up. I wonder how it feels to be the caricature of extreme sports. In this cartoon, he’s essentially the punchline of a joke. I’ll bet he’s bummed. Bummed all the way to the bank.
Check out spamusement.com and tell ’em we sent ya.