Local Amenities For Children
Sounds like the title from one of MCs cartoons, but it’s actually a piece by street artist Slinkachu, and I mean “street artist” literally. Slinkachu makes tiny art installations in the streets and photographs them. I’d like to think he (or she?) leaves them there, but the web site FAQ is mum on the subject. Local Amenities For Children is a 2008 piece while the one below, Epic Fail was sublimated on a skateboard in 2009. No, it not all skateboard related, which is good, because the best pieces are unrelated. Each installation is photographed from multiple focal lengths, sometimes taking on a different meaning depending on how much the real world encroaches on the constructed version.
– Thanks to Tim Laidlaw for the tip. [Source: Yahoo News]
I bought his book just days ago! The skater is in it. I could have sent the link but you beat me to it Tim.
I didn’t recall seeing that orange peel image before so I passed it along, I figured it might have been covered before and I missed it or forgot. Happy to contribute when I can.