Richie Jackson, still, still rad
… even though this video is old. Thanks to Sarib for the reminder.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on November 5th, 2010
Categories: Skate
… even though this video is old. Thanks to Sarib for the reminder.
This is probably my favorite Richie Jackson part.
Board slides on chains? Down an escalator? sliding sideways downstairs? This guy is not human! I can’t believe I’ve never seen this before.
I know….damn hippies…
Love this guys creativity and ability. How come no one in the US has picked him up?
Yeah he been ripping for years. He does ride for some US company’s like Pig wheels and I-path shoes but the Death skateboard team is so good why would he leave. He’s got a few other videos up on youtube that are just as sick
This guy rides for I-Path, hmm , think he fits the bill?
fucking unreal. You watch this and then you watch that lame, stale shit that you see at the street xgames etc.
exactly….or the new Dyrdek’s series. So boring to watch.
so creative…it’s good to see there’s more to street stating than 3 flips and hardlips….he makes me wanna street skate again !! he sure has the hippy jump wired…(get it Hippy)
Uh… so why doesn’t he get the epicly laterd treatment? Because he actually rips? Because O’dell doesn’t smell a a possible lay?
His text yoself before you wreck yoself on the Berrics was pretty damn funny. I didn’t really expect to see him there though.
Kilwag, if you’re posting this up as a walk down memory lane of awesomeness, then post up Patrick Melcher’s part from Death’s “Better Than Life”. That one rules too.
It’s walk down “I don’t have time to find something new.”
I’ve put up a handful of Richie Jackson parts. They’re all gold.
that was up there w/ a sasquatch sighting
that double airwalk at the end was sick
I was thinking the same thing! And the casper wall plant thing too.
this guy hasnt overdosed yet? fucking hippies.
he’s never put out a duff part. plus, all his clips have great music: pentagram, the idle race, the attack, etc.
Hippies don’t Overdose. They just run Our country! Hippie,Socialist, hand-out mother phuckers, let’s spend and take everybody else’s money.
That is SICK SICK SICK!! Makes me want to hippie 360 jump, it’s evolution. And will be picked up by the next generation. So, keep skatin!
I am pretty sure hippies do overdose. name one good thing hippies have done for us?.. just one.
Free love.
got me with the free love thing, I am afraid of LSD, mushrooms I can handle. but the idea of someone creating this stuff in a lab, or a garage kinda freaks me out, they could have peed in it for all l know.
Darrn,that nose-spin at 1:40-1:42 is like my dream trick!
I have had a vision in my head for years of me doing that one…
I realy like his skating, always something new and fresh.
cheers from Belgium!
Proost! Gezellig.
Better Than Life is such a good video!!!
Is that Salvador Dali?
It’s a Dali moustache,yes.