Brooklyn Street Benefit Tonight
All ages benefit show, 8pm tonight the Atristery (4315 SE Division St, Portland, OR) featuring White Fang, Gepetto, Oak Rot and Moth Dust.
Door open 7:30pm. Show starts at 8pm. $5-10 suggested donation.
If you decide you absolutely have to move obstacles outside of the confines of Brooklyn Street (see above left) – please put it back when you leave. It looks like a blast, but it will not help with public relations and the neighbors.
Will they be destorying cement mixers.
– Dude, you were killing it on that cement mixer.
– Dude, I think I killed the cement mixer.
Isn’t this the same night that Shrunken Head Skateboards is premiering the new Habitat video? I wonder if this will effect attendance?
weird that they would choose the same night but anyway-
both are very close to each other , so stop by the benefit, hook it up with $5 and then go to the premiere!
It’s obviously a conspiracy.
How much money raised? Good turnout? I regret being to ill to attend.