Notre Dame de L’ile Perrot Part 2
Kevin Cann has been spearheading an effort to expand a small skatepark in a town called Notre Dame de L’ile Perrot, a small town outside of Montreal, Quebec. It started off as a DIY-esque park with the blessing and financial aid of the town, thanks in part to Kevin’s hard work and some open minds in city hall. I had forgotten to put this story up, actually, but I’m going to do this part first. The backstory will come later. Here’s the bottom line, the first stage of the park was a success (see picture here) and Kevin used that momentum and good will to add a proper bowl to the jersey barrier foundation the park already has. Pictures after the jump, thanks to Kevin.
The bowl is on an island with a high water table. To avoid the extra cost of drainage and pumps, they built everything above ground. And among other things, they’ve got Tedder Stone on order!
This is phase one, made with jersey barriers and a little extra concrete. Off to the right you can see the pile of sand that is about hold a new bowl.
Pouring the flat first, which is not what I’m used to seeing.
This looks like they are standing in some weird room.
Looks great! Those polite Canadians!
Those trannies look tight and fun.
I thought they were called mounties…
That’s awesome guys..Nice spot..
But check photo 11 ..he’s wearing a vintage pair of rector knee pads to do concrete work?
Hard crete, soft crete. They’re good for everything.
thannx randy , yeah the vintage rectors for crete should they be on e bay
cant wait to slap on the tedder stone
Brent Jordan would go!!
someone hunt down Anthony Marks
Thanks Kevin,big props. I cant wait to get back on my board…hopefully before this baby is done.