In the best interest of the sport
It’s conceivable that these trucks might work well enough for a beginner. The technology dates back to the 50’s here, and believe it or not, I think there are some dirtboard, excuse me, mountainboarding trucks out there right now that are based on the same design. Still, call me cynical, but have to believe the decision to used these wacky trucks was based purely on profit motive. Maybe at the time these were a dollar cheaper than a traditional truck. May not sound like much, but multiply by thousands and then some in projected sales… On the one hand, the X-Games provide a way for an immediate group of skateboarder to make a living off of skateboarding, and a larger group through association. On the other hand, they peddle crap like this, or at least they used to. I don’t think they make this anymore.
– Thanks to Matthijs van Wijk for the tip.
Looks normal enough from this angle.
Well thank god we live in a country where we can choose not to buy inferior products.
I remember seeing some similar trucks in the 90’s called Jones. SJ, who owns a skateshop in Truro, Cornwall had a pair. He had deliberately built a set up with the worst, “technologigally advanced” parts made. Those trucks were mounted on an aluminium deck made by Aircraft, with the built-in nose and tail bones and wheels with spoked aluminium hubs!
Just hideous. He’s a keen collector and only built it as a curiousity and thus it should remain. Plain wrong.
interest of what “sport”? Did Nike make em?
wow, never thought I’d see these again…
in a word…dreadful
Never forget!