Disposable Skateboard Bible
A lot of people are excited about this book. Disposable was reprinted in several editions with additions. The Disposable Skateboard Bible (Or Disposable II, depending on where you look) is available from Gingko Press. I’ve got conflicting information on cover art and page counts, but I’ll find out soon enough when my copy arrives in the mail. (Update: The Gingko site has prerelease information and graphics, as they are in the middle of a site re-design.) The scope of the book is supposed to be broader. I asked Sean Cliver if the new book encompassed the first one, and here’s what he had to say:
…it’s an all-new book. a complement to the first, really. 1) Includes 60s/70s stuff; 2) Includes a lot more 80s stuff that didn’t fit the first book; 3) Includes new artist/rider stories from like VCJ, Greg Evans, Art/Steve Godoy, Gator, etc.; 4) much more of a “collector” bias in its opening words. on that note, it’s also far less wordier than the first book with more pages devoted to board images (a total of like 2500 i think?).
Can’t wait to see it. He’s been working on this for a few years now, and with high level the bar was set at by the first Disposable, I’m guessing this one is going to be…. brilliant as well. I was going to say “anything but disposable”, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Except I just did.
Pre-ordered this about 2 months ago. Very excited, but the cover kinda looks lame. Really, Rob Roskopp 4? Oh well, Im sure it will be great. LOVED the fist.
I agree 100%. The cover totally blows. It took Cliver so long to put this together that I’m really surprised that they settled on this for a cover.
I just got mine and its… wonderful. Too much to take in at once. jam packed. Some amazing and obscure stuff in there. Excellent.
You know, I don’t like that Roskopp series at all, but I think it works well as a cover – they way it’s designed. It looks like the board is pissed off at being broken by the title of the book. It’s more than just a single board graphic chosen for the cover, it’s a graphic pun of sorts.
Just got mine! Endless browsing!… and you know Kilwag, I kinda agree with the graphic pun. Although it might have been more representative if they just had rows and rows of boards. Either way, this is THE ONE. And our own Cal Skate and Sport on the first page! Wow lots of memories from the ol shop.