Winston, Myrtle Creek, Harrisburg, Grants Pass tour
I went on a really fun road trip last weekend. I went down to Grants Pass for a fundraiser party/session at a private bowl. Along the way I stopped at three brand new skateparks in Oregon, including, Winston, Myrtle Creek, and Harrisburg. I even went to the old Grants Pass skatepark for the first time. I took a little over 200 pictures, and lost them all to a corrupt memory card. Unfortunately, this isn’t an April fools joke. Those three up top were the best I could salvage. I don’t want to hear any arguments about why film is better, because I’ve had catastrophic failures there too. Rich has some shots up from the bowl party, Harrisburg, Or and Winston, Or. I imagine he’ll be doling them out over the next week or so. Still, it could have been worse, I could have broke my leg like Shane Bell did.
I’m sorry, you really can’t expect me NOT to say it.
There’s something kinda artsy about the shots you salvaged, they leave a lot for the imagination. I hear a faint “dedededededede” when I look at them, like the bionic man or something.
All the images I was storing in my brain were corrupted by Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Market opportunity: camera with redundant storage. Does the preview of the image live in RAM?
By the way, Matt wanted to thank everybody for turning out. He wants to do it again next year and to keep adding to the skate terrain. Great event.
Sorry I missed you guys, I left matt’s a little after 4pm.
This looks like a shutter issue to me, but I guess that would have showed up on the review. That said, if they looked good, but looked like this once downloaded, I’m thinking it could be the card reader. What happens if you put the card back in the camera and try to look at them?
Most of the previews show up in camera, I just can’t get them off the card, either via card reader or camera hooked up directly. I think they were all OK until after a certain point, becasue I looked at soem of them enlarged in camera at one point, soemthing I can no longer do. My camera intermittently has problems recognizing the card. There’s something definitely fishy with it. In camera flash stopped working about a year ago as well. I may have gotten a lemon.
Film is better? I wouldn’t say that, just different. People complained about film in movies vs digital, it’s just a different aesthetic, that’s all. They are both tools. One isn’t inherently any better than the other at this point. One thing you can’t argue, digital is certainly more convenient.
Oh my. Tell you what Kilwag, I’ll email you the two essays I’m working on about some debates between film and digital. I’ll warn you though, they have ..art school.. written all over them. But I won’t email them until next week when they are finished.
Hey. I’ve been to art school, I can handle it.
I think all skate shots should be taken on tintypes anyway.
Tintype is a slow process my friend. You wouldn’t get a short enough shutter speed.
I am making Van Dyke process prints of 8×10 shot of skate terrain though.
You could do a tintype of one of Lance Mountain’s sadplants, you’d just need one of those piles of exploding flash chemicals on a pole…