Epic Skatepark

Epic wooden skatepark? Yes.

It’s hard to associate the word “epic” with a wooden skatepark, but I think Team Pain may have in fact pulled it off. Epic I was skeptical when I heard some of the gushing about it in the intro to the Transworld video, but as the frames kept coming, it started to become more and more clear. Not only is this thing huge… HUGE, but it’s also go some very interesting obstacles in the form of wooden bases or tranny topped off with concrete skating surfaces. Epic Indoor Skatepark in Rocklin, CA (near Sacramento) is set to have it’s grand opening March 14th and 15th. Check out some pictures, as well as the Transworld viddy after the jump.

– Thanks to Tito for the tip and pics.

Enjoy the video from Transworld. Props for letting people embed it, but lay off the cliche Guns And Roses songs, would ya?

It’s hard to get too excited about skating an indoor wooden facility. Don’t get me wrong, they can be a blast, but they are usually lacking in something, most often scale and/or originality. This place looks amazing.

epic indoor skatepark -3191

epic indoor skatepark -3189

epic indoor skatepark -3205

The bowl barely rates a few seconds in the video, but it looks quite impressive in it’s own right.
epic indoor skatepark 2817

epic indoor skatepark -3202

The next two are a before and after combination of a very cool concrete and wood structure. It seems like they could even ditch the wooden base.

epic indoor skatepark -6

epic indoor skatepark -3201

More wood with a concrete ledge poured on top.

epic indoor skatepark -5

epic indoor skatepark -3

Looks like it works.
epic indoor skatepark_2841


45 thoughts on “Epic wooden skatepark? Yes.

  1. Negative Ned on March 4, 2009 - Reply

    Where’s the grown-up stuff? Wonder how many flat landers they can fit in that place before the lines get all clogged up? It’s hard to watch the digital moves of these dudes and the run-and-drop to one trick runs. Slalom cones on a hill is more interesting than this under-achieving excuse for skateboarding. Tres flip your asses to an empty pool immediately.

    1. Hey Ned, did you miss that whole long part of the video where the guy moved down the length of the whole park, hitting obstacle after obstacle in the same run?

  2. 6 screws and a plate on March 4, 2009 - Reply

    only 2 short clips of less than a second each of the bowl???? What’s up with Trans….never mind

  3. Holy Shit! That’s fucking awesome…totally fucking awesome!

  4. I’d hit that.

  5. Ok it is awesome in size so is the city it is in all that stuff already exist – the mini. No vert ramp something dose not naturally occour in the city and i cant ride down the street and find naturally.

  6. Negative Ned on March 4, 2009 - Reply

    Yeah, I saw it Kilwag. Reminded me of a dainty compulsory skate routine for some yet-to-be defined lame competition. All the dude needs now is some spandex and sparkles. Welcome to the My Little Pony generation. I’m with Mr. GVK, take it back to the streets and build something that your favorite Trump Tower consultant cannot design. Boring!

  7. Fuck, I’d love to have something like that in Seattle. I like wood parks because they can change ’em up. Somehow I doubt Rocklin has all that stuff “naturally occurring”. I’m not surprised they didn’t waste the space on a vert ramp. Every park I’ve been to with a traditional vert ramp has like 5% of the traffic as the rest of the park, including the OG Skateranches in Vancouver. Besides Sacto has a big concrete park with all kinds of vert.

  8. Negative Ned on March 4, 2009 - Reply

    Vert ramps are for skaters that like to push themselves outside the fashion statement now known as skateboarding. If you don’t skate with speed and make yourself bleed, well, then take your lame ass home in the pants you peed. Fo’ real.

  9. Look at all that wasted space above their heads.

  10. Vert died because kids did exactly just that, pushed themselves outside the fashion statement that was skateboarding at the time.

    It’s all skateboarding. Crying about one form or the other just makes it obvious that you can’t do it. Unless it’s freestyle…

  11. Really complaing about a lack of a vert ramp? Really? nobody rides them, that’s why, why not complain about the lack of a mega ramp, or the lack of a high jump pole. When are skatepark builders going to wise up and build a god damned barrel jumping stage??? That’s core man, no naturally occurring barrel jumping facilities out there, and I DEMAND ONE!

  12. Negative Ned on March 4, 2009 - Reply

    Note vert includes things other than ramps and people don’t ride it because it takes more effort. Those designer skate fashions just don’t hold up under stress of the gnar-terrain. Even the bowl in this “epic” place is watered-down and washed out. Meow, meow little kitties keep it safe, cause big stuff in the jungle make that self-esteem chafe. Sniffle, sniffle.

  13. ned, its too easy to turn all your comment against you. If anything sounds like dainty compulsory skate routine in some lame competition its definitely todays VERT skating. it gets even more pathetic with old people trying to land that frontside air they landed couple times back in the eighties. the reality is that you cant even imagine trying any of that stuff those guys were doing. you dont have balls and skills to even jump down curb in front of your house. god, i hate old bitter people so much…

  14. plus its very known fact that big transitions are much safer and less painful then any big street stuff… or small tight trannys

  15. Negative Ned on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    Hey Marek, just saying you don’t see those big ball curb jumpers in the deep stuff if it’s so safe. Just sayin. And tight vert is just as good as massive vert. That “epic” park isn’t sportin’ that tight vert you mention either. Get back on point Mr. Marek and try not to be such an age hater. Word has it that you are getting older with each passing second. Get used to it. Prediction: if you’re still skating in 2020, some shreddin’ upstart will laugh at your 2000 era skate antics. All Negative Ned is saying is that skating is becoming lazy and word “epic” is not appropriate for that park. Chill little peep and return to the safety of terrain not to steep. Tweet, tweet.

  16. […] this from Skate and Annoy…look at that concrete ledge/manual pad/bowl/thing, […]

  17. Danslash on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    Vert skating ?
    Do u mean doing 12 flip tricks two different 5

  18. im very comfortable in my retirement from street skating. i jumped down shit youd need ladder to get down. im happy to skate transitions of all sizes including some of the biggest stuff ever built out of concrete for skating and i can say that i definitely dont hate on younger people and their skills same as i dont hate old skaters. i just fucking hate old BITTER people no matter where i meet them.

    hey danslash, hit me up when you get to oregon, ill gladly show you around.

  19. I think a bigger bowl would be better than a vert ramp…you still have some fun tranny to skate but younger skaters can also have fun in there and learn how to carve. We have a huge ass vert ramp at Rye in NH and nobody skates it apart from the occasional old dude. I think it’s awesome to have but I would use that space to build something different if I was a park owner.

    And why do you need an indoor park in sunny California????

  20. Thugut on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    The reason there is no vert is because there are a few HUGE parks inthe area that have plenty of Vert, hell even the freaking minis have vert down there…
    the same parks have street courses that suck balls, SO, this is just filling the nitch…

  21. Negative Ned might need some Viagra to boost his flatground ollies.

    The vert/ street argument really is fucking boring at this point.

  22. On a sidenote, Danslash’s comment is pretty epic. He should write a stream of consciousness novel about how life beat the Vert Skater out of him.

  23. curtis on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    those banks look fun! but a mega ramp that anyone with the balls to try would be cool to see for once. free up the mega from the skate elite! even a mini mega would be cool, like one whose 1/4pipe had a tranny the size of a normal vert ramp. it would be fun to watch groms huck themselves on a mini mega!

  24. nweyesk8 on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    Brookings has a mini-mega, GO HIT IT UP…

  25. yeah mini mega would be pretty cool. i always get a kick out of that snowboard jump in florence. its not exactly mini-mega a but its close enough for me. oh and whitefish in montana has a decent kicker too. yeah, mine-megas would be the shit.

  26. oh yeah, how could i forget brookings. thats as close to mini-mega as it gets. maybe they wouldnt have to put bowl right under it 🙂

  27. Just ride your skateboard twats.

  28. Hellgsbithgizo on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    looks nice…looks like some fun options!

  29. curtis on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    I’m not saying I’d ride any mega, mini or not, well maybe a micro mini. I’m a woosie, I wanna see the kids do it! I’ve got to save my bones to skate another day.
    the one guy was saying something about no one riding halfpipes or mega ramps so why build them? I think no one rides megas because they are only in certain people’s backyards, and that is the most incestuous thing that has ever happened in skating. this sort of happened with halfpipes as well.
    the ramps the pros had access to got bigger than you could fit in a backyard and it just seemed out of reach to the average skater, who could easily build a mini ramp. I had a conversation a coupla weeks ago with a impressive teen bowl ripper who is blessed with nice bowls with vert in his town. he was saying he wished he had a vert ramp to ride so he could learn big air tricks, and step up his bowl game. I think the intrest is there, but how would anyone know these days because vert ramps are mostly gone?
    Epic, as t-roy stated has plenty of head space. it could fit a half size mega. that shit would be fun to watch. but jeeze, I can’t help but wonder how much it costs to skate there. the economy must really suck to use a building like that for a skatepark in a place with primo weather.
    I don’t want to criticize the place cos it looks fun enough for me, but Corry Duffel obviously has not been to too many skateparks (he don’t need no stinkin’ skatepark with his skill set).

  30. sutherlin mike on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    Uh I got nothing. I will check it out though next time I am in the sacto area.

  31. THAT. is how a street park should be built. not to mention that the bowls and tranny stuff looks way fun on top of that. the only problem with wood parts is that they get REALLY slippery. thats why I quit going to DOS. nothing beats riding on concrete

  32. SK8 Devilson on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    booring. another indoor warehouse nightmare. i’ll take gabriel park, or ed benedict anyday over that dump.

  33. Skate Street VTA version 1.0 was was more epic than that. It had a big 60′ wide vert ramp, mini-mega before it’s time, over-vert 14′ wave wall, 6 ‘ capsule bowl, and lots of street techy stuff. Best indoor I have seen to date. SkateStreet RIP.

    That park looks fun, except for the total lack of vert. At least they could have made a few vert tombstones in that bowl, and some good wallrides utilizing all of that tall flat wall space. My question is… who is crazy enough to spend that kind of money on an indoor skatepark in Sacto? That place is going to be a sweatbox.

  34. Lipschitz on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    Fill that bird bath with some water laced with bird feces. Maybe urinate next to a few of those banks. And for Marshall Dillon’s sakes drive a few cars around the place while folks try to skate. Now you’re getting a little closer to a street simulation. How about a delivery truck acid drop? Or maybe an open manhole gap. Get it right street posers.

  35. Who paid for this?

  36. Do any of you negative people notice that the skaters in the video are pushing hard?

    That skatepark looks like a bunch of skatespots set up like lines.

  37. curtis on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    yep. I noticed, but it still looks fun! I would take my chances at Milton, a bad park to film, before I would pay to be at filmer friendly mega rampless Epic.

  38. Estes' Ghost on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    Heath- that’s what skating ‘at speed’ looks like as video adds 10 lbs to your butt and slows you down 10mph- try filming a line all while flowing at a decent speed. Its not easy. I’d push hard at all those obstacles- they look amazing. The Sat-Dish Manual Pad is awesome.

  39. curtis on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    the more I look at this park, the more I love the shape of the bank complex in the upper right hand photo, at the top of the post. the diverse amount of options it has, is not displayed by video. I don’t care if I have to push, I care if I have to pay.

  40. curtis on March 5, 2009 - Reply

    “Sat-dish” those things are cool! I have been trying to aquire a few of them, but their wierdo owner’s won’t seem give them up just yet. they always have some bogus excuse like “my son is gonna make a fish pond out of it”.
    please tell your Hood River friends to immitate that design!

  41. Sacto area is full of parks with bowls
    now it has a good street park that is legit.
    it is pay to play and It serves the 80% of skaters out there not like them Glugg ass bowl parks with half ass excuses for street courses.
    If the concrete heads were up on designing building a good street course, you’d have a free concrete street park, but them incompetent ass concrete skate monsters
    just cant hang…now give me a beer! glugg glugg glugg
    one day we will see the skate park industry catch up to the skate industry… one day

  42. Negative Ned on March 6, 2009 - Reply

    There’s the problem Thugut: Skate Industry. Now line up for the corporate skate anthem. F’ that. Screw the “look at me” generation and skateboarding as a fashion statement. How about we reverse the skate corporate trend and just get back to skating. Leave the corporate types to their greed and disconnect skateboarding from the bunk. Suck, suck on a smoke stack and keep the corporate monkey off of skateboarding’s back. Pimp Chimp.

  43. coochmon on March 6, 2009 - Reply

    WTF is that place doing in CA? That needs to be i the Northeast…. we’ve got 3 indoor parks up here in New England but none right in Boston. That’s where it should be, ’cause Charles River is never gonna get off the ground, too many politicians involved.

  44. Cancer Dick/ Propinas YO! on March 9, 2009 - Reply

    Go skate it! It’ll probably be done with in a couple years, but then you never know. Rocklin has a some crete that’s lame, but then they just built Tanzanite, Granite, and San Jose. It can’t be that far away and SF if you want some DL crete. Marek you are so cool I wish I could say “I;m ver comfortable in my retirement from street skating” GO suck it Marek!!!

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