Beat ’em at their own game
I got an email with some computer renders from Team Pain that made me think they were dabbling with some prefab skatepark elements:
Team Pain will be presenting their newest product line for the first time at the January 09 Surf Expo. Bringing a completely new feel to the show with some unique and artistic structures made from both hand poured concrete or solid steel! If you want to be one of the first to experience these new pieces, all you need to do is make it to the Expo and the course will be open to anybody who wants to skate.
I thought I’d get some more info before I made the post since there were bound to be questions. UPDATE: Added video.
Tito coughed up the details.
Here is a quick background. We are starting to produce some fully Custom Concrete elements for street skating.
They can be made out of concrete or steel (thick steel that is) and they each are designed outside of the box (literally) so that they can be skated uniquely. They are fully customable and can also be decorated with artwork, as you can see on these examples that I painted. These examples are shown here are all mostly all concrete with no steel edges.
Ideally we want to provide items like these as an additional option to the low budget municipal Skateparks that have created a feeding frenzy for the playground industry. Our goal is to reach that market of the Skatepark industry that is being run by NON SKATEBOARDING individuals. These are strictly core street elements, so if you want a quarter pipe, then you can visit your nearest private facility or custom poured in place concrete Skatepark.
These can also be strategically placed throughout a city in key areas to provide for fun skating elements throughout a community.
Why not? It makes perfect sense for these types of obstacles, and the money might as well go to a skatepark builder instead of a playground company. My only beef is that I don’t think I can ollie onto all those things with my old knees. Come guys, would it kill ya to make something that meets the ground? Prefab concrete launch ramps are the next big thing! Who knows?
Here’s a selection of obstacles getting ready for the 2009 Surf Expo. Photos by BW (?) Click to enlarge.
Bench in the foreground, but what’s that in the back?
What the hell took them so long? This has been needed for a long time. (and I don’t *street* skate)
And just to stir the prefab pot, *some* (not all) of the prefab ramps and such would be fine, IF and ONLY IF they are maintained… but they never ever are. If cities considered maintenance in the budget, they might as well do ‘crete.
yea, the non-concrete pre-fab manual pad/funbox has got to go! $100,000 worth of these things and $900,000 worth of bleachers and you could have a nice spot for the Maloof cup at the Seattle center.
I’m with you kilwag, but these are for the kids. if they put one in your neighborhood, a little covert DIY concrete and a lapper will fix your problem.
You only have to ollie like 4 inches on most of those. I can do that bloated on beer.
ya dang kids with your maneuvers and ollies and such
Get outta my yard!
where is some contact or sales info on obtaining these. I would be down to purchase and donate one of these to my community. We have random park benches scattered about our town that have been donated by various persons or businesses for the public to use. I can see doing the same with some of these.
Those structures are the equivalent of a “Skate Stoppers” for a guy my age.
It looks like something you could buy at IKEA? Very Feng Shui
nweyesk8 – See the Team Pain web site. Link at the beginning of the post.
it’d be cheaper to pour your own. even before the huge shipping cost.
you can figure it out nweyesk8, i’ve seen photos of your spot.
just build a sturdy form properly braced in the shape you want, pour, let set up pretty well, edge it, remove forms, face sides, and there ya go.
i saw the link, but couldn’t find any concrete information on the posted topic. Yeah, I know I could build it myself, but I live in a town so progressive you would swear it was conservative.
Not in website yet.
send me an email when you can and i will send you information.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed but one of the last two playground companies still producing skatepark equipment has just discontinued the Huna/Woodward brand. That just leaves Skatewave and if it weren’t for the efforts of Artifex/Premise Marketing to design hybrid ramp/concrete parks they might fall by the wayside anytime as well. It’s all just a matter of time.