Gabriel Park is open
It’s a done deal. Rich from EPM took some real live action photos. I’ll link to them when he gets them up. Until then, the session is on! Nothing to skate here in Portland. UPDATE: EPM pics are up.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on July 11th, 2008
Categories: Skate
It’s a done deal. Rich from EPM took some real live action photos. I’ll link to them when he gets them up. Until then, the session is on! Nothing to skate here in Portland. UPDATE: EPM pics are up.
Thats it,Ive seen bigger sessions at pier on a wed evening. If we would have built the double funnel at least people would show up. I think tere were that many people there in my video Gabriel Park Is Not Open. GVK. Off
Im sorry-Gabriel park? Its a fat-camp right? Maybe they would have had a bigger turnout if they have given away “promotional twinkies” to all.
Instead of cutting a ribbon they should have had a long ass twizzler all those fatties could bite through.
Forget the double funnel, funnel cake seems a more appropiate attraction.
Oh, I know, DEATH BEFORE APPLEBEE’S, I totally agree.
In the backround of the top photo you can see all the skaters under 300 lbs that were apparently exhiled to that hill.
that’s one lame looking park.
As Kilwags favorite band, we had to chime in on this.
Those kids definitely ride for Bacon.
Piglettes AM Flow team.
My half-dozen runs at Tigard were much more fun than those I took at Gabriel but it was too crowded for me there as well, bah humbug.
Look at all the pawns, they’ve gained some weight.
the photographer must be holding a bag of cheezeburgers
Triple pattys for sure. With Onion Rings to boot.
Super fun park
Great, I can hear it now. Let’s go to Tualatin, it’s so fun! Naw, let’s go to Gabriel, it’s so fun!
Somebody got up on the wrong side of the skatepark
Man, I love this place!!! Easy roll-ins that let me build up speed for long carves without having to do vertical drops to get going.
I went yesterday after stopping by Burger King to tank up on a Whopper w/cheese and two orders of rings. I was zooming along about a third of the way up a wall when some skinny f*ck doing hand plants dropped in right in front of me. It was no contest on the collision. He bounced off and slammed into the flat hard!
My 70mm wheels and superior momentum kept me going and when I turned around after climbing up out of the bowl I saw he was bleeding from his face and limping away sort of leaned over holding his right arm with his other hand. Har Har Har Har!!!!
I sat on the lip to eat my second bag of rings but they were all cold and congealed and sh*t so I kept tossing them half-eaten down in front of some little kids who were just going back and forth at the bottom. They sure went into some gnarly slides when they hit those greasy rings!
The hand plant guy looked like he was having trouble maneuvering out of the parking lot in his ratty old stick-shift Jap pickup. That’ll teach those east-side guys to think twice about coming over here to skate again!
I cruised over to Wendy’s for a post-skate Frosty in my full-size 4×4. I like the automatic transmission ‘cuz it lets me eat and drive at the same time.
This little park is great fun, the local kids lucked out as well as the rest of us. I can’t believe anyone is complaining about the parks in Portland, unless the complaint is difficulty choosing which one to skate! The variety is overwhelming and there are more on the way.
I thought hollyfarm sucked Gaybowl blows. Best features are around the park. 3/10. Don’t waste your gas money.
Nice story EC. You forgot to pepper it with endorsements for taco bell and pepsi though.
You probably could have thrown in pizza hut too.
Maybe in the future you could come off as more of an obnoxious fat kid if you brought a bucket of KFC and your razor scooter to the park.
“I threw my chicken skin and superior G.I Joe’s at skinny kids who couldn’t carve good-I mean, well”.
Hahaha, you’re a funny guy,E.C
jabber i agree…totaly..dude the deep is the biggest turd i ever rode. My son could have formed better trannys and he is 3. best part of the park is the outside tight wall…DONT WASTE YOUR GAS MONEY!
This park is fun. Nice job Airspeed.
thought this was funny
“Maybe in the future you could come off as more of an obnoxious fat kid if you brought a bucket of KFC and your razor scooter to the park.”
Good idea! I like the razor scooter angle.
this park is a blast, come and I’ll show ya!
that picture reminds me of the axiom in wall-e…if you havent taken your kid to see that yet, do it!
Hmmm Jocks making fun of fat kids. I guess thats what happens when you make too many skateboard athletic fields.
BBW’s rule!
Lurkking, I did hear one cry of “do you want to go to Tualatin” from some scabby betty.
Another comment was “Dude this is one of the nineteen to be built in Portland” REPLY “what! 1972 PARKS”
Simple, Fun, Unique but what theFuck! That’s what we get from Airspeed.Comethefuckon!!!
The F ING 9 wall, I think you can Lose Speed. I think it’s Fun but workmanship is below par. Reedsport has skills put into the funnel, Florence seemed smooth but Gabriel????
This is one funny f’n post… can’t believe i missed it… and the fat kids!
I like that park, but I like funnel cakes too.
This park is super fun!!! skate it then talk shit. Im stoked some of you dont like it, one less kook to dodge.
Airspeed didn’t have a free hand, remember? All kinds of public comment on this one and I think they went into it being asked to build a snake run. Definitely too many cooks in the kitchen. That said, I think it’s a good addition to the range of stuff to skate in the area. I am concerned at the trend toward less challenging terrain. I’d like to see number six step things up again. Pier Park’s pipe/bowl complex is still my favorite.
we need a nice Aumsville style park minus the children of the corn
MC – I don’t agree. What trend towards less challenging terrain? Holy Farms is not deep, but it’ still challenging. Not every park needs to be more challenging. I say we need variety. I don’t care if the same company builds every park, as long as they build some variety. We all know you love Pier park, and I love it too, but the pipe and bowl is the least used area of the park, I don’t think Portland’s skater’s would be well served if all we had was gnar.
Consider this: Part of the challenge can be finding new ways to ride the terrain, not just adapting to terrain that is inherently difficult.
(MC, this last paragraph is not directed at you) – I feel sorry for all the poor souls who can’t seem to have fun at Gabriel Park. You guys have lost some of the joy of skating. It’s almost as if it’s not enough to just have fun, you’ve almost got to be better than someone else or feel superior. It’s a shame. I guess that’s what happens when something reaches critical mass.
Gabriel looks fun, but gotta test it out first to really be sure. The New Lincoln City snake run gets a 10!!! I of course like every overcritical critic would manipulate a feature or two for my own skateboarding style & pleasures, but it’s truely amazing.
Are You guys ready to get the pilot out there and start the Rating Skateparks tv show..
Politly agree to disagree etc.. who’s Eggbert..!?
The Conahan & Kilwag Skatepark Rating Show? I’ll guest rate sometimes, & we’ll get some street die hard head in there. Lets only rate parks that will get above a 6 though.. bla bla
Green- Thumbs Up! Brah.