V-Day arrives
The Santa Cruz Skateboards Veterans Division video titled V-Day is making the premier rounds at skate shops cross country. Next up is Portland’s Shrunken Head sponsored event on Thursday April 5th at the Mission Theater. Also on the bill is a 10 year anniversary screening of the Portland classic Using It. You can watch the V-Day trailer after the jump.
V-Day trailer: Santa Cruz Skateboards Veterans Division
I’ll probably be there, who else is going?
I bought V-Day earlier this week. I’m sorry to say it is abysmal. 30 minutes in total, of which 80% is taken from the old 80’s SC videos. Hardly any new footage and of the new stuff, only Tom Knox’s section stands up. This has absolutely zero to do with the Santa Cruz of old and is a blatant cash-in, imho. A real missed opportunity.
Ahh.. bummer. I’ll probably go anyway though.
I slappied a curb on a re-issue Dressen, yesterday. That’s good enough for me.
People forget how rad those dudes got back in the 80s and 90s. Especially Dressen. Of course, Jason Jessee tales are always epic. Knox still has it from what I hear. Using It will be a good opener for the night. Who needs an excuse to get together with a bunch of dudes and drink beer and talk skating? Apparently , there is going to be good raffle items too.
is that right? 80% lifted straight from the 80s videos? I wonder why it took so damned long to put it out then?? Very disappointing.
thanks for the honest opinions. i just want it known that i had pretty much no creative control over this video. i wanted as much new footage as possible,mixed in with old footy, but the guys who were in control chose how the video would be laid out, believe me, i have a ton more new footage that did not get used. take the video for what it is, a SMALL glimpse into what we did and what we are doing.thanks,tom knox
Thanks for the response Tom. I appreciate what you’re saying about the video being a SMALL glimpse – just a shame that the powers that be at SC decided to price the dvd so high or maybe I wouldn’t have felt so shortchanged. I paid 19 pounds for it in the UK, which is over 35 dollars. Still, like I said, I really enjoyed your section.
thanks, i still try and skate hard everytime is step on a board. as far as price, 19 p sounds a little steep. sounds like the distributor really hiked the price up. thanks for the support.tom
I saw this video last night and I have to mostly agree with Matt. I wouldn’t say that is is abysmal, but it does seem like 80% old footage. It’s good footage, but not exactly what you’d expect. These guys can still skate so it doesn’t make any sense. It seemed like a rushed product. While it was fun to watch, it is a shame cause it was a real missed opportunity to show older guys ripping. Tom’s part was one of the highlights, but he’s only 35 (Can that be true?) It was cool seeing those guys skate some the same spots we do around here. Knox made going over that door in Milton Freewater look effortless. I’ve tried to do that before but I could never get the right line.
Why isn’t Kendall in that video (besides being interviewed?) I know he doesn’t have a model on the vets division (and why not?), but he still works for NHS doesn’t he? I’d bet Roskopp could pulled little something respectable out of his bag-o tricks too. Isn’t he doing mountain bikes under the Santa Cruz name? They should have made Novak get on the stuntwood again too.
My criticism of this vid has nothing to do with the guys riding. V-Day is worth watching but not really worth owning. It’s like they (Santa Cruz) spent more effort on the titles than they did on production. It felt more like a bloated rough cut of a trailer than a finished product.
Agreed, “abysmal” was a poor description. It just described my frustration at the video. The old Santa Cruz videos are my favourite skate films and were (apart from A Reason For Living) so entertaining that I expected much more from the company. I’d like to see an independent filmmaker do something on the Santa Cruz story – they certainly couldn’t do any worse than V-Day.
actually i am 36 now.i got an early start on my career. born 01/10/71 torrance ,ca. like i said, it was pretty much out of my hands as far as content. i wanted a lot more new footage. as far as kendall, he still rips, but he has no intentions of wanting a board or filming anything. roskopp has not skated seriously since 89.
I agree..I was super disapointed with the dvd..they kept delaying it, and most of it is just old clips..although the Knox part rips..I have seen alot of new footage of Dressen lately, and I am 100% sure that a Knox and Dressen new footage dvd would rip the lid off of the VDay dvd..also can we just stop all this Jason Jessee genius stuff..he had great style and great graphics, but it looks like he hasn’t skated with a purpose in over a decade..it’s depressing and disgusting..seems like he is just cashing in at this point…he can barely speak in complete sentences..although this dvd did get me to purchase an old Knox everslick and set it up…