Reviews: Miscellaneous

No matter how much you may love your cat, cleaning a litter box is a special kind of torment. The smell of cat litter and all the dust it creates (so-called low dust or not) is enough to cause a gag reflex, even if your litter box isn’t already filled with a month’s worth of […]

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Reviews: Miscellaneous

I bought this Italasofa brand couch from Dania. It has a microfiber cover and a pullout sleeper bed. I have kids and now the surface looks like a seal that was rescued from an oil slick. Less than a year into it, the part that sticks under the top cushion started to fray. A couple […]

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Reviews: Miscellaneous

I’ve been trying to head to my near-neighborhood small, independent hardware store as much as possible insteadof heading to one of the two big national chains nearby. The limited hours can be a little inconvenient, and the selection can be a little meager, but it’s not too bad. Of course if I go to Lowes […]

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