
Peralta on Powell

There’s certainly no shortage of skateboarding documentaries, but I wouldn’t mind seeing one on the larger history of Powell, the company and the man. Stacy Peralta put together this short 4 minute video that plays like a mix between a trailer and a marketing piece for Powell. For me, one of the more interesting things […]


Powell Christmas

I would have thought the Christmas edition skateboards would have lost their appeal by now, and frankly, I don’t get it. They must be popular since Powell keeps issuing them, along with some Bones Brigade Christmas ornaments. Actually, they looks like they still have a 2013 edition board available. I do “get it” of course. […]

Familiarity breeds respect

The marketing intern over at Skate One was gushing about Steven Reeves in his email propaganda. You’re preaching the to the choir man, but it was amusing to be given the hard sell on a guy I already know. Steven Reeves at Mammoth Mountain Skatepark after the jump.

Mike V: Aggro on your iPhone

Mike V: Do or Die has been out for about a week now. Reviews are mixed, some people love it, while others are perplexed by what appears to be a driving game grafted onto a skateboard title. Which begs the question, if you can drive around the city, can you stop off at a hockey […]


Pssst. Hey buddy!

Wanna see the motherload of old Powell stickers? Check out Rohan James’ Powell Peralta sticker flickr set (say it three times fast…) for 193 Powell stickers. That’s almost as many Powell stickers as I have in my entire collection of skate stickers.